Chapter 1: Caine: In the Inn Part 1

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Chapter I Caine

4th day of 13 022nd Sojara

The sun rises heralding the end of cold night and a start of a new joyous day. The day started well with a pinch of harmony and a cup of goodwill. Birds fly by playing with peaceful layers of stratus clouds. Some are still sleeping with blanket on shivering as a result of Night’s cold. Winds make the surroundings maintain its temperature.

Caine walks into the Inn seeing everyone happy and smiling. But one thing is not right; he doesn’t look well compared to everyone. A look of concern furrows his eyebrows. His skin glistens with sweat, sweat going down his face to his chin. He really looks haggard.

“Damn it!”, he whispers. His voice has almost unheard by everyone. His dull-red lips are partially apart from each other showing his white-shaded teeth. He kicks a brown wooden stool. It stumbles and rolls towards the crowd.

“What’s the problem Caine?”, Farren asks him. Farren is a man of eighteen. His thin-shape-but-suits-him makes him remarkable to others. Caine turns to Farren seeing a man with darker-than-black hair. His answer is taking a while but after a few second, he answers.

“Nothing you are not concerned of!”, Caine can’t tell them this problem. He closed his eyes for a bucket of seconds. He opens it again seeing black and fades out later.

“But… why? You are part of the family. I am part of the family. They are part of the Family. We, all, are part of the family. We have considered ourselves brother and sisters and siblings shares their problem to each other. So… c’mon Share it with us!”, Farren had a little speech but not that good but very informative. This speech makes Caine realize something; Farren is right. He should tell them what’s bothering him.

Should I tell them everything or should I keep it to me? His right eye becomes wet by tears that keep deciding whether to drop or not to drop. These tears twinkle as he moves his face. Finally, it already dropped combining with his sweat.

Caine just chooses not to tell them and enters more of the Inn leaving Farren and the other Crimson Flame members.  In his way, he meets Nox, who, as usual, has serious face.  He looks unenergetic.

“Are you alright, Nox?”, Caine’s mood changed when he saw Nox.

“Fine, Thanks for asking. By the way, Have you seen, Farren?”. Nox voice is so low that can be a proof that he hasn’t eaten breakfast yet.

“Of course!”, Caine answers. “He is right over there with Carion and Dogmar.”, he adds pointing to Farren and some other Fellow Crimson Flame Members.

Nox heads to Farren and some of the Crimson Flame Members. Nox starts a conversation leading to laughing and more laughing.

Caine’s attention was got by something. He is feeling something pulling his pants. He looked down seeing a rat with a hat. It is Rodhac the tiny. Caine raises his brows allowing Rodhac to speak.

“Are you alright? You don’t seem alright for me. Tell me if something’s wrong!”, Rodhac just initiated a discussion.

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