Owen Has A Heart and Sang Has Interesting Reactions

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AN- Okay. I wasn't going to update for a few more days, but since there is such a high demand for an update here you go. I hope you enjoy it as much as you did the first one.

Owen POV

As I start to drive off, I wonder where to take her. I can't take her to Kota's or Nathan's. I could take her to Sean's, but he is supposed to head there to get sleep after dinner. Looking over at Sang I can't help, but wonder where her thoughts are wondering to. Well I guess I'll just have to take her to one of my safe houses. I don't know her well enough to take her to my true home. As I am thinking this, I pull up to a red light. I pull out my phone and send Sean a text. I will not be able to have dinner with you Dr. Green. Something has come up.

Once I am done sending the message I start heading to the safe house. Just as I am pulling in to the drive I feel my phone vibrate. Looking down I see a new message. Really Owen, you are going to deny yourself my sexy company? My lips twitch into a small smile. Yes, Dr. Green. As I said something has come up. Looking at Sang I drop the smile and get out of the car. As I start to walk around to open her door, she gets out. Before I can say anything, my phone vibrates again. Is everything all right? Really Sean, if I was in danger I would have said already. Yes everything is fine. If that changes I will keep you posted.

After dismissing Sean, I look back at Sang. She has been waiting very patiently for me to acknowledge her. She also didn't fidget as much as I thought she would in the silence. Anyone else would have been at least shifting their weight. Well through this test, she has piqued my interests. "Shall we go in?" I ask.

"Ok," she responds.

I start walking towards the front door, I watch Sang through the corner of my eye. I see her glance around at her surroundings. I see her, by the looks of it, almost memorize her surroundings. Now this is something to test her on. Glancing around I pick two things to test her on. One from my front yard and one from a few houses over. This should be interesting.

Opening the door, I wave her to go ahead of me. I take off me shoes and start walking towards the kitchen. I Hope the bigger room helps her to relax a little. Glancing back I see her looking around at the layout of my house. Why is she staring at the wall? Looking at it, I can't see anything out of place. Looking at her again I see her studying me. What is going on in that head of yours, I wonder. Turning around, I step into the kitchen.

" You can go ahead and take a seat at the table or at the counter. I will just go grab the first aid kit," I say as I start to walk back out a different door. Glancing back, I almost miss the look of terror that passes on her face as she looks at the stools by the counter. Now, what could have caused that reaction. I grab the first aid from the bathroom and head back to the kitchen. As I walk in the door, I see she has taken a seat at the table. "Where are you injured?" I ask. I take off my jacket and start rolling up my sleeves. As I do, I notice her looking at my arms. "Miss Sorenson?" She jerks her head up and sees me looking at her. She starts to blush. Why in the world is she blushing? "Where are you injured?" I ask again. She starts to shake her head in denial. "I know you are injured. I saw the blood. Now, where is the pain coming from?" I state firmly. She lowers her head and points to her ribs, her knee, and lastly her head. Nodding at her I start with her head. I should have asked her this before we left her street. What if the head injury is serious? I stop yelling at myself. All I can do now is look at it.

Looking at her head, I don't see any blood. I start to feel around. As I get to the right side of her head, she jumps. Looking at my hand, I don't see any blood. Looking down at her, I see she still has her head bowed. "Miss Sorenson, did I touch the spot that hurts?" She nods her head. "Alright, I want to look at it a bit closer. I promise to not touch it with out warning you." She nods her head again. I take some of her hair and move it out of the way. I see a small lump. No blood though. I will have to check for a concussion but otherwise she will just have a sensitive spot on her head for a few days. I start with her knee next. So this is where the blood is coming from. Looking at her jeans, I see that they are worn very thin. Why is she wearing such old clothing? Its no wonder that scraping the ground ripped the jeans as if they were not even there.

Getting a antiseptic wipe I look up at her. " This might sting." I tell her. As I start to wipe the wound, she doesn't make a sound. So if she knows the pain is coming she won't react. Interesting. I finish up her leg and put on a few band aids. Looking up at her, I catch her staring at me, again. Why does she keep doing that? "Miss Sorenson, I need to look at your ribs." Her eyes flash with a look of fear, but its gone almost as fast as it came. She nods and straightens up. She lifts her shirt until just under her bra. What the HELL? I feel my face fall into its blank mask. She flinches away, as if she could not bare my reaction. Just as she starts to lower her shirt, I stop her.

Looking her in the eye, I try to tell her silently that its okay, I'm not mad at her, and that I will help her if she gives me a chance. I don't know how long we sat there staring into each others eyes, but she finally nodded her head and looked away. Looking at her ribs and stomach, I try to process what I am seeing. Her stomach is black and blue. She was beaten, badly. Now that I am looking at it fully, I see what looks like dried blood coming from her back. Looking back up at her face, I start to turn her around. She stares at me, until she has to turn her head. Looking down, I have to stop my self from shouting. Who could have possibly done this? I lower her shirt. I couldn't look at it anymore. "Miss Sorenson, I think we need to talk," as I say this she hunches like I am going to swing at her," I am not mad at you. However, I need to know the whole story before I can help you. Do you understand?" I ask.

She turns around slowly. Looking at me, she starts to nod. "Okay Mr. Blackbourne. Lets talk, but can we talk in a different room, please?" She pleads with me. I nod and after helping her up, I lead her to the living room.

AN- Alright birdies. Here is the second chapter. Let me know how you like it. Also, for the next chapter I was thinking of doing Sang's POV of what has happened so far. Please comment and let me know if that is something you would like. Thanks for reading!

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