Chapter 2

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His forever opened eyes stayed on Light Yagami, speculating. Seeing if Light would show any emotion to the information he had just told him. His eyes had widened in surprise for just a split second before his eyes closed. That split second surprise wasn't good enough though. Anyone, including Kira would be surprised if someone just came up to them and told them that they were L.

Light turned to him. "If you truly are who you say to be, I respect and admire you. " Light said.

"Thank you..." His response seemed like an honest enough answer. A perfect response no matter what the situation may be. "I've told you this because I think you can be of help in solving the Kira Case."

Light Yagami, the probability that you are Kira is just under 5%. But out of everyone we were watching, i sensed something from you. You're TOO perfect. And if you're Kira, there's nothing that would pressure you more than this. I could see him thinking, his gears turning within that head covered with silky brown hair....WAIT wtf...his hair was not silky, what he IS, is a suspect in the Kira investigation. There was a long pause. His face remained impassive. Then the opening ceremony ended.


Light POV

"Yagami-kun!" Light heard Ryiga, maybe, L, call his name.

"Hey, Light, he's calling you. " Ryuke said from above him.

No shit. Light who had been pretending not to hear the strange guy. Sometimes people(cough cough SHINIGAMIS cough cough) were just an annoying pain.

He waited a second so that Ryuga could catch up to him. He looked down at the guy, shorter from his slouching position. "It was nice to meet you." Ryuga told him.

"No, the pleasure was all mine." Light swore. I just don't get this guy. Sometimes he's outright weird and creepy, then he acts like a civil normal person. Though that voice....NO, he shoved that thought aside. This could possibly be L, fucking, L!

Ryuga then walked away and friggen popped himself into a limosine....a limousine, out of all things,

The students around him were even whispering about Hideki Ryuga, for being rich and looking like that. For being rich and smart. The comments varied from envy, admiration, hatred, and finally he heard a girl say he was hot.



Beautiful.....him....? Just no.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~time skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Home finally." Light muttered to himself. He went straight to his room, completely ignoring his younger sister.

He sat in his desk....and freaked out. GOD DAMN IT.

"Just do the eye deal with me and kill him already. " said Ryuke.

"I can't! If that happens right after he introduces himself to me. The whole police will know!'' Light shouted at the shinigami. Ryuke made a surprised face. Light had never lost his cool like this before.


"I never thought that L would approach me and say, "IM L." "

What i didn't tell Ryuke was that at some point in the opening ceremony, I thought his voice was sexy..NO L'S VOICE WAS NOT SEXY

Light crawled into bed...just sleep it off, sleep it off

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