Greedler x Shy Reader (3RD PART)

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A/N: I'm sorry I'm not good at updating that fast. Well, here ya go. *throws the part to the small audience* Oh and btw expect to read some scenes ahead with mature content. I hope ya'll enjoy the last part of my first one shot in this story!


It was a hard decision for you. But since you always pick wherein you can get something back, you chose to leave him. Well, you thought it was for the best. Leave him and everything will be okay again. Leave and nature will grow back just in time. Leave and let him be depressed with no one to hold on. The last one was kinda hard, but it was for the best.

You went out and told the Lorax about your decision. He was afraid to let you go alone. With obstacles and wild animals that can be a great pain in the trip, it was indeed making you afraid. But you promised yourself not to think of him being sad. Instead you pushed him aside and replaced him with nature.

"But can you at least say goodbye... to him? I just thought he might ask why it's silent in his cottage."

"Don't worry. He already forgot about this." You said before pointing towards the house.

"Please. Just one 'goodbye', and then you can leave forever."

You hesitated, but what could possibly go wrong?


You slowly took a deep breath before opening his door. The atmosphere and the smell was the same, except it for the thick smoke, probably coming from his cigarette. You quickly covered your nose. You were about to say 'hello' when someone pulled you in. Good thing he has carpets.

"Oh hello there, (y/n). Nice meeting you again."

You quickly stood up and dusted yourself. You looked around and got a quick glance of the room before being pulled away into a corner. You winced as your back hit the sharp edge of the corner. You felt as if you've been stabbed in the back with a freshly sharpened butcher knife.

"What brings my old friend here, eh? Want to have a share? Yeah sure I'll give you some. I got many back there-"

"Ah am not here for your money. Ah am here to.."

"Spit it out."

"Well actually ah am here to say goodbye."

"Goodbye to whom?"

You quickly took a sharp inhale before speaking up.

"Last night, ah planned on leavin' you. I realized somethin' that made me decide on it. So yeah. I'm leavin' ya. You and the creatures."

You gave a sigh of relief. Now that he knows it, you can leave right now after you get out of this place.

That's when you realized you were cornered and his arms acted as a fence. You started to loose it and sweat beads slid off your cheeks. Your eyes looked from one place to another in search for a quick escape.

"Oh, I see you're panicking."

You looked up to see him, lips forming a mischievous grin. You felt the atmosphere tense up. You slowly inched down but the pain from earlier shot back to your spine. You tried not to whimper, but it was really unbearable. He must have pushed you very hard. You managed to wince instead of bawling your eyes out.

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