Going back to Jack-a-land

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(Your POV)
We enter the plane, Jack and I show our tickets to the plane people (a/n I don't know what their called) and sit at our seats. After about 20 minutes the plane starts moving. As we escalate into the air, Jack starts to shake. "Whoa, Jack, are you alright?" I ask. "S-s-sorry! I-I-I am s-s-sc-scared of h-h-h-heights!!"He choked out. I grab his hand, and he squeezes it and closes his eyes. When the plane is stable, I laugh. "We're fine, ya Irish Baby!" He looks at me with a smirk." Well at least you didn't call me a leprechaun!" He says. "Oh sorry! Ya leprechaun baby!" I whisper-scream in his ear. He hits me in the arm." Owie! You bitch!" I scold. He laughs and turns to his tv. "Ugh.....can't believe Will did that!" He says. I slowly sunk down in my seat. "Uh, yeah.....um" I mumbled out. "Sorry I said that..." He apologizes. "It's okay, Mr. Leprechaun! Your middle name is William. Sean McLaughlin." I say. "How do you know that?" Jack asks. "Neh, I was bored and I want to know what your last name was. Then there was this whole wiki on your life!" I said. "Jaysus, did people do research my life? I'm not that important!" I roll my eyes, wanting to slap him in the face. (Time Skip to when reaches Ireland) I slowly open my eyes to then see a sleepy Jack on my shoulder. "Jack? Yo wake up bud" I start to shake him. "Jack, wake up" and he just keeps mumbling. "ARE YOU JACKSEPTICEYE?" I scream out. He jolts up like it was his job to NOW wake up. "FANS!" He screams out. I slap him. "It took me that long to wake up you up? JAYSUS!" I scold. "OW! Sor-ry! Not my fault I stay up until like 3 in he morning. I have too!" Jack complains. I roll my eyes again and grab his arm. "Jack, get your stuff please." I instruct him. He gets his suitcase and his bag then turns to me." Mission completed" he nods. I giggle as we walk down to where all the luggage is. I grab my (colour) bag and (colour) suitcase. As Jack pulls up his car. "Enter in, milady," he says in a terrible British accent. I do a curtsy and enter his car, laughing like crazy. As we drive to his apartment, I text (bff/n) that I'm coming back to Ireland. With Jack. She send a emoji of two people kissing.
You: Ew!!
BFF: I would be blushing if were you!!
You: Why?
You: You and your imaginations
BFF: Shut up. You would do the exact same
You: True
BFF: TOLD U!! K gtg bye!!
You: Buh bye!!
You: Lol. Bye
BFF: Bye.
When I finally put my phone down, we are at Jack's apartment. "We are here!!" Jack screams. "I see that, Einstein" I mock. He smiles and grabs his and my bag. "No no no! I can do it!! Leave it to me.!" I grab my bag. "You sure? I can carry it!" He offered. "No but thank you!" I say. I open the door and he unlocks his apartment. Two seconds later, Jack's phone explodes. Saying stuff like congrats on 8 million subs Jack! I look at Jack. "Jaaaaack!! You have 8 million subscribers!! That's awesome!" I congratulate. "Thanks! This is fucking awesome! Um.... I'm gonna go make a video!" He said. "Just about the 8 million subscribers? Because you are just gonna thanks them a million times." I added "Shit, this is really unexpected. Um......maybe a video where I introduce you!" He said as he grabbed my arm. "Okay, okay, okay!" I said, laughing. "Oooh! We should a challenge!" He suggested, while laughing. "What challenge?" I ask. "Ummmm.............. How about the cursing shock challenge? Like what Pewdiepie did?" He asks. "Hey it's YOUR milestone video, not mine! Do whatever you want! Plus, do you have a electric shock thingy?" I ask him. "Yeah! I bought it when I did the muscle spasm video thing! Can you get it out while I get the recording ready?" He begs. "Sure! Where is it though?" He points to a closet."Somewhere in there. It's in a box that says Shocking Machine" he says. I nod and head open the closet. I get the shock thingy and give it to Jack. "1, 2, 3!" He pressed record.

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