Almost Mismatch

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Thea was awakened by the loud ringing coming from her cell phone. She thought it was the sound from her morning wake up alarm. But, then, she remembered she was on leave from her job as a wedding planner and events organizer in a business partnership with her friend, Lucy.

They accept any kind of events but they were best known for creating magic in a simple wedding. They were always able to make any bride shine in her own wedding like a star. This was why they named their business “Twinkle Stars.”

Thea peeked with one eye to locate where she left her cell phone last night. She grabbed her phone from the bedside table and answered the call with her eyes closed and a groggy voice. She had been half-asleep when she answered the call, but was thrown completely wide-awake by the shrieking voice on the other end of the line.

“Oh my God, Thea! I need a very huge favor from you. Wesley asked me to go with him to Hawaii, and I said I won’t go if you’re not going so please, please agree to go with us!” Lila, her best friend, shrieked over the phone.

“Uh, why do I have to go with you? I mean you’re already an adult so I sure don’t think you still need a chaperone.” Thea answered as she walked to the kitchen to prepare herself breakfast. She tied her long, wavy, chocolate brown hair into a bun as she waited for her coffeemaker.

“Well, I might not be able to control myself from spoiling Wesley’s surprise if I’m left alone with him but if you’re there, you can stop me, right?” Lila kidded. “But kidding aside, I guess this is our only chance to bond with one another since we’ve been so busy with our careers. My best friend, me, and my fiancé! Isn’t that wonderful?! I would get to spend this special moment with two of the most special people in my life.” Lila added.

Thea’s coffee was ready. She poured it into her mug and added fresh milk and three spoonfuls of sugar as she listened to Lila.

“Besides, Wesley must be planning on proposing to me on this trip…” Lila said.

This made Thea choke and spit the coffee she justsipped.

“Are you okay, Thea?” Lila asked over the phone.

Thea quickly grabbed some tissue papers on the counter to wipe her mouth and the mess she made on the floor.

“Yeah! I’m fine! I just made the coffee wrong. Didn’t like it so I—Anyway, if he’s proposing to you, then, I think I better not go with you. He might just change his mind and not pop the question to you. I might just ruin the mood.” Thea answered.

“Well, I think it’ll be better if you’re there, right? I mean, you can help Wesley out with how he’ll propose to me. You’re a wedding planner and all so—” Lila replied.

“Exactly! I’m a wedding planner! I plan weddings not how a guy should propose…” Thea said.

“But you’re also an events organizer and proposals are events too. Please… Please… Pretty please, Thea… Just go with us. I promise you this would be the best vacation you’ll ever have… Please?” Lila nagged endlessly.

Thea knew Lila will not stop until she gets what she wants. Lila knows that her best friend won’t be able to refuse to give in to the little favors she asks of her.

Back when they were still seven years old, a very unfortunate thing happened that made Thea promise to always put Lila’s happiness first before hers. They have been best friends since they can remember.

On Thea’s seventh birthday, tragedy struck their friendship. Thea’s birthday party has already started but she waited by their house’s gate patiently for the only guest that she invited and mattered to her—her best friend Lila. The house was already packed with her parents’ friends and

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