chapter 4

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Carmen took our room key and agreed

“Taxi” Carter said

A taxi pulled up to the side walk and Carter opens the door so that his mother and sister and Jenny could get in the back, Jay sat in the front seat with the driver

“Taxi” again Carter called

Another taxi came to a stop in front of us and carter opened the door for me

“Where to” the taxi driver asked

“We need to go to the closes drug store please” Carter answered

As we rode down the road we sat in this awkward silence

“That will be six dollars” the taxi driver said as he came to a stop

Carter gave the man a ten and told him to keep the change

“Do you know what kind of test we need to get” Carter asked as we walked into the drug store

“I don’t know anything about the test”

“Well I guess we will just have to read the boxes” Carter said

We walked around the drug store looking for the pregnancy test

“There is so many to choose from” I said

“Well here is one that has two tests in it, I think we should get that so that we can make sure that one isn’t broken” Carter said

“I think we should to”

We walked up to the counter to pay of the test, we got outside and Carter started to call for a taxi

I asked Carter, “Can we just walk please? The hotel isn’t that far”

“That is ok with me, if you feel like it” he replied

We started walking and we were in that awkward silence again so I decided to break it

“So what if I am pregnant, how do you feel about it?” I asked Carter

“Well I am not really sure, I want to have kids but I always thought that we would have a little more time to get ready for it and I just don’t want to get excited about another baby and something happen”

“I understand I am worried about what kind of mother I will be, I didn’t have the best mother around but I know that I don’t want to be nothing like her”

“I am really scared about becoming a mother; but I am excited about it as well.”

We arrived at the hotel in no time, we went up to the room and I went straight into the bathroom

Those three minutes was like hours, waiting to see if the color was pink or blue, I slowly looked at the test and it was pink, I was pregnant

I am really going to have a baby

Carter and I are going to have a baby

I opened the other test and peed on the stick and sat it down beside the first one

“Carter “I called from the bathroom

“What does it say” Carter asked

“Can you please just come in here?”

As he opened the door “what does it say” he asked again

“This one is pink for yes; I am waiting on the second one”

“We are going to have a baby” Carter said while an ear to ear smile came on his face

“Lizzie are we really going to have a baby” he asked again while grabbing me and pulling me into a huge hug

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2011 ⏰

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