Further Denial

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The old man promised me a new leg in exchange for information. I told him about the first day I came to Oz. About the witch. I told him nothing else. He seemed to be satisfied with that and also quite terrified at the same time. The witch of the east didn't often come this far west, but she was the reason for a lot of pain and economic depression. And many guessed that she was indirectly in control of that area anyways.

The next morning the same exact thing happened with the right leg. It bent and moved and felt and acted like a part of my body.

It was raining. I remembered the story of the tin man, but also remembered science class. Tin doesn't have the ability to rust. The tin smith had assured me of this as well when he gave me the first tin leg. So, I decided to get to work. I had worked in the rain before. Why should it stop me now?

Afterwards I realized that both my logic on the matter and the rust that prevented me from moving my legs were probably both the result of the slow working curse the old which had put on me.

i dragged myself to town. Literally. Dragged myself down the yellow brick road to town where I used the money i had made the day before to buy a can of oil . No eating would happen for me that day.

The next day I chopped down two more trees without hacking off any more body parts, although there was a point where I thought my axe was going to cut off a piece of my stomach, but I stopped in time. After a couple more of close calls, I stopped after just two trees. I dragged them to the lumber dealer and used the money he gave me to buy something to eat. I vaguely began wondering if I would die of starvation before I was all made out of tin.

The next morning I awoke to the horrible realization that my pelvis was mad entirely of tin. It now looked like I was wearing a pair of silver pants and socks. But I wasn't. The lower part of my body was entirely made of tin. It was happening whether I wanted it to or not.

"Why. Is. This. Happening. To. Me?" i said, timing my words with the axe strokes, "I. Wanted. To. Be. A. Sound. Technician. Not. A. Woods. Ma... AUUUGH!"

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