Questions that need to be ask!!!! Or probably never should be....

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Heeeeeeeeeellllllllloooooooooo AGAIN! It is I a person here, asking random questions about our world and its mysteries................. Alright how bout it for question NUMBA 1!!!

1. Why hasn't the Loch Ness Monster been confirmed or denied yet?

YES! Why hasn't it? I mean after all if you can go to the deepest spot in the ocean (Marianas Trench deeper than Mt. Everest is high.) surely we can go down to the bottom of a lake....... But apparently there are thousands of caves beneath, hundreds that could fit a monster of its legendary size. *Sigh*

2. Any who, Are there names that absolutely can only be used for certain things?

Yes....... A flat out yes, well............. Yeah, you could name anything you want but it doesn't make it right. For instance calling your chairs Anthony, that would be weird if you had a friend of that name. "Is there anywhere to sit?"   "Yes! Right  on the Anthony over there." Hmmmmmm, I actually would love to meet someone crazy like that. :) Could be fun! Next!

3. Does one choose to be gay? Or are you born gay?

Oooooooooooh.............................. Tough question. The old nature vs. nurture arguement. Is gay as common as straight? Meaning half the population is gay? Or do people choose it as a lifestyle because of an influence. Hmmmmmm......... well sense this is yet to be proven I'll give my view on it. I believe all are able to be gay. Some more than others, either it be a little or alot. But ultimately I believe if one is gay, if you personally were born this way. Ya! Words of wisdom from Lady Gaga! yus! :)))

4.  Why do we use daily innocent words to express the 7 bad words?

Well, I would say its to keep you from getting in trouble. Like you stubb your toe and in the heat of the moment you say "AAAWWWWWw FFFFFFFFFFFFFffff----------UDGED!" whenver authority figure hears you they can't really accuse you of cursing. All you did was shout fudge. Another reason I believe is the fact some people don't like or believe in using curse words so in the heat of the moment say silly words like "Boom-ma-lola-lola-ding-dong" I love those people. XD

5. Alight last one. If you could have a super power what would it be?

Me it would be able to control water. Yeah that what be awesome! I wouldn't care how much aslong as I could. How about you? Please leave a comment telling me. I would love to read what you have to say. Also any ideas about what I could talk about next.

P.s. Tell me your answers to these questions. Plus if you notice I've gotten a fact wrong please let me know. I would love to fix it and learn. Plus it would be embarressing too. I hope I was able to entertain all of you.

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