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A/N: So this is an original story that I've been turning over in my mind for quite some time. Please comment, it would make me terribly happy

Amethyst reclined on the black leather settee. Her ears drank in the splendor of Jules' violin and warm breezes from passing airships made stray strands of dark crimson hair flow around her flawless cheeks. Oh how she loved to hear that boy play. She opened her half-lidded eyes to admire him, with his long copper hair dancing above his eyes as his arm moved the bow across the strings with the precision of a master musician.

The royal castle was set atop the highest mountain in the range. From the balcony where they currently resided, the entire Kingdom of Steam was visible. From the dank, smog filled slums, to the farms and estates and manors. The sky above them was tinted a shade of orange with swirls of sliver smoke and dark black clouds that made the colors of the sky pop. Airships made of metal soared around the castle with rose red flags rippling. The melodies of Jules' violin were a wonderful contrast to the constant hum and roar of airships above and steam engines below.

When her most favored servant finished his piece, Amethyst clapped her gloved hands lightly.

"Oh do play another, Jules" she ordered lazily as she laid her cascade of curls back on the silk cushions "Whatever melody suits your fancy"

The servant nodded and broke into a tune with long, passionate notes. Keen to nap, Amethyst yawned and stretched. Inside her laced boots, her toes curled. Her gloved hands folded beneath the side of her face as she moved into a comfortable sleeping position. She was nearly asleep when the click of low heeled shoes on the stone floor roused her. A government official, specifically the head of fuels and power entered.

"Yes, Sir Mirton?" Amethyst grunted as she sat up, her curls mussed "Please share what is so very important that you felt the need to disturb my beauty sleep"

"Your Highness" the stout man bowed deeply, removing his bowler hat and revealing thinning salt and pepper hair "Your -er- assistance is requested. Fuel quantities are low today"

Amethyst rolled her gold eyes and huffed irritably.

"I'm sure you can manage" she said as she laid back on the leather.

"N-No" Sir Mirton stammered nervously "We cant, actually..."

His voice became small and wary when Amethyst rolled over on her side, her perfect hourglass figure accentuated by her corset. Her face was unreadable. She looked irritated, but also slightly amused at Sir Mirton's fear of her. He was uneasy and rightly so. If Queen Amethyst became cross with someone, they would have to deal with a certain beast: mechanimal wolves. Just the thought of those bloodthirsty monsters made Sir Mirton quake with fear.

"Very well" Amethyst decided, getting to her feet and walking to the stone edge of the balcony. Jules hadn't ceased his tune. "Cogs and gears, Sir Mirton"

"Y-Your Highness?"

"Cogs and gears!" Amethyst snapped, holding out her gloved hand.

Sir Mirton fished through his pockets urgently and pulled out a mahogany box, like a jewelry box. He lifted the gold plated lid and placed a cog and a gear in her gloved hand. They pulsed in her hand, as if they were alive. She set them on the edge where they tottered precariously, making Sir Mirton flinch. She then removed her gloves to reveal her hands.

The palms were cream colored like the rest of her skin, but the digits were a gold metal with bendable joints and long nails the color of milk chocolate. They glistened in the dim light of the cloud hidden sun. The sight of her prosthetics unnerved many, but Jules however was used to it, and did not cease his playing.

She pushed the cog and gear together so their spokes clicked. Slowly, she turned them so they rotated against each other. They began to glow and became hot, unbearably hot for anyone with normal God given fingers, but it didn't phase Amethyst. The background din of machines and factories cresendoed with the turning of the cog and gear. She blew out warm air onto the spinning metal circles in her fingers and they sped up.

"That should last a week at least" she hypothesized.

"Thank you, your Highness!" Sir Mirton chirped cheerfully.

He bowed deeply again then scampered off down the hall. Amethyst sighed and flopped back down on the settee.

"Give us a rousing tune, Jules my darling" she ordered, smirking fondly at the beautiful young man "I need to stay awake until those stop turning"

Jules complied, and fast, upbeat notes sprang from the wooden instrument. He twirled and tapped his toes as he played.

"Any news on the rebels, Your Highness?" he asked as he played.

Jules had wonderful concentration skills and was also one of the only people comfortable around the Queen.

"Yes, those blasted renegades seem to have discovered a child who they believe could overthrow me" she laughed lightly at the ridiculous thought "I'm sending Rykeir and Laru to fetch her from them tomorrow. She'll be on our side, that's for sure"

"Very good, Your Highness"

"Oh Jules" she sighed "I've told you time and time again, call me Amethyst"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2013 ⏰

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