Have A Little Hope

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            My name is Caitlin Coutant. I’m a freshman this year. Chances are you also know my brother, who’s a senior, Matthew Coutant. So yeah, I’m Matt’s little sister. Matt’s little sister has an idea of her own, though. I know we have a HOPE Club in school, but unfortunately I’m busy with Drama Club and activities outside of school that prevented me from joining. However, an idea came to me one day while I was writing one of my stories; it was actually about a little girl battling cancer.

            So anyways, here’s my idea. Pick a week, any week, and dedicate each day to a Color of Cancer, like as follows:

Monday: Childhood Cancer --- YELLOW

Tuesday: Lung Cancer --- WHITE                

Wednesday: Leukemia --- ORANGE

Thursday: Breast Cancer --- PINK

Friday: All Cancers --- LAVENDER

This would be similar to the Color Wars competition during Spirit Week. Also, there would be a week-long competition that raises money for cancer research. Each grade would have their own donation container, and at the end of the week, all the money would get donated to The American Cancer Society. The grade that raised the most, and the grade that had the most overall supporters each day of the week, would get a prize of some sort, whether it’s a free homework pass good in any class, an ice cream coupon, or something else that can be thought of.

Now, in case you’re wondering just how I came up with this idea, I’ll tell you. Cancer has to have a cure, we just haven’t found it yet; we’ve only found treatments. My nana, my aunt Lynda, my gramma, my friends’ parents and grandparents, their friends’ family members, they are why I came up with this idea. They are the fighters, the survivors, the cancer conquerors. However, I’m also doing this for those who unfortunately just couldn’t beat cancer, no matter how hard they fought. I’m doing this in their memory. To be honest and realistic, everyone knows someone who’s dealing with cancer, dealt with cancer, or is gazing down at us as we search for a cure. This is for each and every one of them. It’s for those who we can name, and those we can’t.

We also don’t have to do this only in the Senior High School. I know the Middle School also has a HOPE Club, and I would think the Intermediate School would have one, too. I also don’t see why we couldn’t include the Primary School and Kindergarten Center. We could make it a district wide fundraiser. Imagine how much that would help The American Cancer Society!

I thank you for taking the time to read this. I truly appreciate even just the time it took to read this over. Now, just imagine doing this, the effect it would have. Imagine how appreciative so many people would be. Coworkers, friends, students, teachers, even strangers could benefit. Why not give it a shot? Why not try to help whomever however we can? I truly appreciate you taking the time to read and consider this. Thanks!

*A/N this a letter I wrote to my HOPE advisor at my high school. HOPE is our club at school that raises money and draws awareness toward cancer research. Like I said earlier, this is the letter I wrote to her, so it might read a little weird. But guess what? Next year, out first official HOPE Week kicks off in the fall!! And I'm also a sophmore as of the 2013-2014 school year.*

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