I Hate Black People

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Friends is a word that we all take with a grain of salt

Friends is a word that we need to all redefine

Friend is someone who is there for you when you need them

But we all got that one messy ass friends

Is it wrong to say that I hate my own race?

Is it wrong to say that I hate all blacks because of the lack of intelligence?

Is it wrong to say I wouldn't date a black girl just because of the way she carries herself?

How are you going to call yourself my friend when your going around being messy

How are you going to call yourself my "FAM" when you going around dragging my name?

How are you going to call yourself my friend when you said I sleep with Jim, James, Joe, and Tyrone?

How in the fuck are you going to call yourself my friend when you smile in my face, but talk shit behind my back?

Are these the qualities of what a real friend is?

Because if so I don't won't them

I wish I had someone to tell me that highschool was going to be nothing be fake ass hoes and bitches

Where is yo self respect?

Where are your morals?

Maybe if someone where to prepare me and tell me this ahead of time maybe I would expect to much form half of y'all

Maybe I'd just be that nobody in class and moved the fuck on with my life

Graduated and let that be that

Messy hoes always run scared when you address something with them or change they damn story

For what say what you say over there in the corner when you was point yo finger laughing

These are my reasoning for hating the black race

We as blacks always want to point the finger but yet never at our self's




We blacks are




We black females are




We black males are

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