Chapter 1 The Beginning

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The Beginning

I just finished my mission of destroying a small drug ring in New York and coming back to the headquarters in D.C. My gunshot wound in my lower abdomen was painful, but I had worse. At the youngest age at 21, I am a number one government agent in the U.S. Not only am I a number one fighter who is able to decimate a fight against 50 to 1, but I am also a number one hacker who is capable to decode and hack any computer system. I could also speak about eight different languages fluidly, and I already graduated Harvard with the highest GPA of 4.0 when I was 17. Yup that’s me Hanna or also better known as Killer Cheeseburger. <----- I will tell you guys later on how I got this name, but first let’s clear something up.

Yah, you guys may think that I am Miss. Perfect but I am anything but perfect. There are two major flaws to me. Flaw number one, when everyone hears stories about me, everyone imagines me as the girl with the killer sexy leather jumpsuit who looks like Megan Fox.  Well... erase that image because I am the total opposite. The flaw is that I am that cute nerdy looking girl that comes nowhere near sexy because I look a lot younger then my age ,and I am a tomboy that is a bit crazy. To tell you the truth, I never even really tried to be sexy because I really had no one to impress.  

That is where my second flaw comes in. I never had a relationship with anyone because I don't feel any sexual attraction to any guys. That doesn't mean that I am a lesbian (no offence to lesbians); it just means that I would feel more sexual attraction to an actual sausage then to a guy's wiener.  This is all thanks to living and training with rowdy boys for most of my life because there are barely any females agents.  Everyone in the agency is usually guys who are like my brothers and you do not feel any sexual tension with your brothers. They even told me themselves, they see me not as a sister like figure but more as brother because of my tomboy nature and that God was testing out drugs when he created me. Yup I feel the love and sexual attraction in the air.  

Well, after getting back to the headquarters, Paul, the headquarter doctor, patched me up giving me some pain killers and other medication. Paul was in his early 50s who was an uncle like figure to me. He was giving me his word of wisdom again that usually went though one ear and fell out of the other. I was falling asleep with his droning voice. I was nodding my head as if I was listening catching only one sentence “Hanna you should be like other normal teenage girl and get out of this action packed life and instead find a romantic comedy relationship” yah, right like that going to happen. I fell unconscious dreaming about cheeseburgers, oh how I love those greasy friends. 

 I hope you guys enjoyed the story >.<

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2013 ⏰

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