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Ring, Ring, Ring.

Jason: Hey baby, want to hang out today?
Me: Sure, pick me up at 12:00

Briana POV
I got out of bed,and when into the bathroom. My eyes were still close and I accidentally bumped into the wall.
I brush my teeth and wash my face off,and was about to take out my clothes, when my phone rang.

James:Wats up bae
Me:Didn't I tell you to stop call me that?
James:Yeah,but the problem is that I don't listen.
Me: what you want?
James: Come to a party with me.
Me: When?
James: today, ill pick you up at 8 bye.
Me: Wait what time it over?
James: 1:00am Bye
The phone hang up,I was thinking of calling him back but I had to go bathe. I took out my white crop top that Jason bought for me,a blue jeans pant and my blue and white Jordan. I went in the shower and just when I turned on the water I heard my mom calling me for breakfast.

Ten minutes later
I was still in the shower. I got out and wrap my self with the towel and came out. I heard my mom call me again, I still didn't answer. I went in my room and saw Jason on my bed laughing watching tv.
As I enter I scream, what on world are you doing on my room?
Waiting for you.
It's 11:38, and I said pick me up at 12:00.

Anyways get out my room, I got to put on my clothes.
Jason: where am I going to go?
Me:Go sit with my mom, or wait in your car.
Seven minutes later
I was ready to leave, when I look at my phone I had 17 messages from my friends.
I went down stairs when my dad was talking to jason. I interrupt them and said let's go baby. My mom ask if I'm mot eating breakfast and I respond no. Bye love you. Yeah me too.

Jason POV
Briana look so pretty, I can't even open my mouth to say how pretty she is.

So were you want to go?
I don't know, maybe we can take a walk in the park.
Sounds good to me.

Pop- a message from Tara.

Tara is like my sister, she's always there when I need her and we never leave each other behind no matter what happen.
Tara: hey baby girl, I haven't heard from you whats up?
Me: I'm ok, and with Jason today. Wyd?
Tara: watching last week episode of empire, I didn't get to watch it. Where is Jason taking you?
Me: To the park.
Tara: seriously, anyways have fun bye.
And where here.
As jason and I came out the car I saw someone that look exactly like James, jogging around with no shirt.

Jason and I were walking holding hands when someone behind us screamed ahhh. We turned around and saw Ben and Annie. I ran to Annie and gave her a huge hug. Annie is my best friend, but we havent spoken since I accidentally make out with her exboyfriend which is James. Yeah, they dated and know he can not stop texting my phone. We all started walking together. Annie and I stop for ice-cream, when the boy that I saw was really James he stopped and looked at both of us. I was speechless but suddently I started thinking about when I make out with Annie's boyfriend.

Annie's POV

Well he sure had the nerve to stop here, and why did he. After all I miss him deep down, but he made out with my bestfriend which I forgive her for. I want to say something but afraid to so, I think ill ignore him.

Briana POV
I don't know whether to say hi or not, but what happen this is really awkward my bestfriend boyfriend and her right here.

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