I Rejected The Ugly Dork But Now He's The Hot Popular Guy (Chapter 8)

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** i am sooooooooooooooo sorry this one is so late! i had it almost finished it a few days ago but my sister was hogging the computer with her coursework, which she should've finished at the beginning of the summer :@ and schools coming up on monday so i was really busy and stuff but it's here now! and it's 3,297 words which is a lot longer than usual so it's late but there's more!

so again thank you guys for reading this! thank you to all my fans! and my one guy fan Quantum_Q, you're comments are very amusing! lol. it's great to get a guy in touch with his feminine side! even if he did think the title was stupid.. (:@) lol. and purplegiraffe99 my one fan who is a jonas fan! yay! go you! jonas all the way!

so you know the drill, scroll up and vote then take a detour down and comment! thank you! i love you guys! i'll let you read it now! lol. =D **

Chapter 8

"Okay, so you have the purple pop up tent?" my mom asked over the phone.

"Yup," I replied.

"And I get to keep the pink one?" she asked hopefully.

"Yes," I said chuckling. We had a big argument about that, ok it went like this:

Mom: "Honey, can I have the pink one?"

Me: "But mom, I wanted to take the pink one to camp."

Mom: "Oh, but I was going to go on the beach with it, it matches my new bikini."

Me: "Fine."

Mom: "I love you honey, you're the best!"

Very big for us.

"Okay, and you have everything else you need?" she asked for the third time.

"Yes mom," I replied for the third time.

"Okay, pretend I'm kissing you on the forehead, bye honey, have a good time, call me when you get there, be wild, it won't really hurt your record if you have one detention, try not to get expelled though, bye!" she said sweetly.

"Okay bye mom, see you in a week?"

"Yes, I will try to get back before you do, bye."

So I hung up the phone, Marshalls mom kissed his 'sweet lickle boy' on the forehead, he muttered a embarrassed 'mom', although you could see he loved her affection. Coach Bailey and Miss Trent, the two teachers that were going to accompany us on the trip, appeared and told us to quieten down.

"Okay kids, I know this is a camping trip," Coache's loud voice boomed. "But we are going to be spending about 5 nights in cabins and then 2 nights in tents, there is going to be five to a cabin so here are the groups."

"Adam Taylor, Brody Perry, Nathan Seaton, Howard Brace and Marshall Groves," Miss Trent read out in her chirpy voice.

"I have to share a cabin with Brody?" Marshall groaned quietly the same time I heard Brody start complaining, he couldn't finish though I saw Adam's elbow collide into Brody's side from the corner of my eye.

"Yeah but your friends with Howard," I said encouragingly. At least he had a friend in his cabin, the likelihood of me ending up with Leanne is zilch and knowing me Nikki and I will probably be leftovers and end up together, ugh, I'd rather take Brody up on one of his disgusting offers. And there were a lot of offers. Some of them weren't even legal. I asked Mom and she told me they weren't legal after getting excited that I might commit my first federal offence.

"Yeah, but Howards, such a," Marshall giggled, "nerd, I mean he makes me look cool."

"Yeah but are you really one to judge?" I asked cheekily.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2009 ⏰

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