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I hurried on to the toilet the rush
I needed to go badly so I asked
To be exused from the table and
Go to the restroom cause in fancy
There I was sitting on the pooper
What sweet release,To my right
A square sink which didn't look
Look like it did the job of being clean
Dust in the corners and a leaky
Faucet and I'm not doing it justice
By writing about it  ,A mirror
To my left I saw my self in full
Glory with a slouched posture
And bags under my eyes
I look worse then the sink
Then I felt uncomfortable
I knew why but how ?
Because this toilet did not have
A toilet seat like why wouldn't
You have a toilet seat it's
A gift a sheer gift
I was down pooping
And I leave

And that's the story of sitting on the pooper

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2015 ⏰

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