Part 1

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I want to write this to anyone who has been harmed by the man kind in any way, in any shape or form, if they have been harmed physically mentally, I mean in any way. Because you do not deserve it, you are who you are, I do not care if you are gay, bi-sexual, transgender anything. You are still a human or anything else, even if you come from another planet I do not care, who or what you are you are still special in your own way.

You should care what the society says because what you do and who you are it is not their business but yours they shouldn't tell you who to be or who you are, you are who you are supposed to be you are yourself and nothing and no one should change that, they should cherish you for who you are and if not just get them out of your life because you shouldn't waste your valuable time on someone like that even if it is your family or your friends.

Because human kind are the cruelest creatures that have ever lived in this world even in this galaxy, because they judge you. For example if someone has an orientation in the same sex as a life partner, they are judged, in some countries and religions they are shot killed in any way because of that and that is just not fair, because it is your choice why you love, well technically it is your heart who picks who you love and most of the time you have no say in it but that is your heart, it's a part of you, it is one of the most important parts of you that without it you can't not live so you have to have to take care of it. You have to take care of yourself, of your health physical and mental. They are both as important as the other.

So as I was saying human kind are very cruel, in many different ways for one they kill for the most pointless reasons ever, they kill because of religion, sexual orientation, territories, opinions this list could go on and on forever. And all those reason are all just not right, because human life and other lives are just too valuable to lose like that. Killing comes so easy to us all it is scary.

I understand there will always be violence in the world there will never be just peace with no body arguing about something because everyone is entitled to their opinion, or to their own choice but no one has the right to take another's life because they disagree with their point.

So many wars have been fought in this world, so many lives have been lost because of them, now I am not saying everyone is innocent but there are different forms of punishment other than death. For example imprisonment now I know people get out of prison and things like that but is the world had a good system in the prisons then maybe just maybe if would reduce crime and life loss.

I am not saying that some people do not deserve to lose their life by the death penalty because in some cases I believe that the death penalty is necessary maybe in some cases I think that even the death penalty is like getting off to easy because some crimes lie rape especially little harmless children should be so much more that death, those rapist should suffer all the pain and trauma they cause those people that they have harmed. But how in some countries and religions they give death penalties for small crimes like stealing or something as minor that, that is just unreasonable and irrational.

So I would like to give up prayers to the people that have suffered at the hand of the human kind because I believe that if everyone stuck together, if everyone got over their differences, I am not saying that everyone that everyone has to become best of friend I am just asking them to tolerate themselves so that no more life has to be lost for such small reasons, because that is just stupid. And no family should suffer such a loss like that.

I would like to give my prayers to the families in Paris, France that have lost their love ones in the terrorist attacks on November 13 2015. I hope justice comes to the ones that are responsible for all those lost lives. Those lives will never be forgotten, and to those that are injured I hope you get better and be thankful that you are still alive.


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2015 ⏰

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