One-Hundred and Thirty

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I haven't updated in 12 days! I owe you guys so bad, so as promised, here's the fact from WhoEvenCares1203 about our dear little Mikey getting drunk for the first time...

Michael was staying at my place on Dohney and was happy to come along. He really respected Burt (Bacharach) but wondered, as we all did, what made him tick.

Burt had ordered a bottle of expensive French red wine, which he, Carole (Bayer Sager) and I were drinking. Michael never drank but that night he got interested in wine. Unbelievably; he didn't even know what wine was.

'What's it made of?' he asked me.

'Grapes', I said.

'I like grapes,' Michael said. 'I think I'll try some.'

So we poured Michael a glass and he drank it. He obviously liked it because he drank another one. We were drinking a 1982 Pomerol that tasted like candy, so he was bound to like it.

By this time, we all had a glass or two and the bottle was finished. So Burt ordered a second bottle. This time, Michael drank virtually the whole bottle. He had really acquired a taste for wine, fine wine at that, and was guzzling the stuff down.

So we ordered a third bottle and Michael drank most of that as well. That's when I knew we were going to have a problem that night.

The evening came to an end and I drove Michael back to my place. He was, understandably, happy. In fact, he was flying high, very high. In the car he was talking and laughing. He was singing 'I Want To Be Where You Are' and 'Never Can Say Goodbye'.

Then he started singing more of his hit songs like 'Ben'. He was giggling away all the time.

'You're going to be in trouble,' he said. 'I'm going to tell Joseph what you did.'

I wasn't taking the bait. 'I didn't do it, you did,' I said.

It took us a few minutes to get back to my place. The minute I parked the car and opened the door for him, Michael leaned out and threw up all over the place. He spent the rest of the night hanging over the toilet. He was as sick as a dog. I was up all night with him.

He kept saying, 'I'm going to tell Joe you corrupted me,' I was kinda worried he would but he never did.

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