Everything I Want

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"Dude! Pass me the fuckin' joint!" I heard as I jogged through the woods. My brother, Doug, went out for a swim earlier after getting into a fight won't our dad. I was angry too, so that's why I'm out here running. It blows off some steam when I run.

"Hey you!" I heard. "Girl in the shorts! Hold up!" I stopped running and looked to my left. A few boys stood there, along with my brother.

"That's my sister Missy." Doug told them. "Sweet," the one with the beanie said.

"Come hang out." Doug said. I watch his eyes widen at me, indicating that he wanted to stay. "Sure..." I walked back down to the shore where they were before.

"This is Flip, Jace and Van. He's a swimmer too." I smiled at them. "How old are you?" The one named Flip asked. "Seventeen."

They laughed and nudged each other. "Wanna smoke a J with us?" Jace asked getting too close for comfort. "No thanks, I'm fine." I muttered backing away.

"Back the fuck off man, Jesus Christ. Tryin' to scare her to death?" Van said. He stood up and got in front of me, like he was protecting me.

He turned around and made sure I was okay, and I was. Van had pretty blue eyes and a nice set of arms. I could tell he was a swimmer by his body build. He wasn't too bad to look at. He was pretty sexy.


My brother and I have been hanging out with Van, Flip, and Jace every chance we got. They've become our best friends. Tonight we're inviting them over while our parents are out of town. Van is spending the night and I'm excited to learn more about him.

We all sat on the couch watching a boring tv show about animals mating. "This is stupid." I whispered to myself.

"Let's go smoke," Jace said. Oh yeah, I started smoking joints with them too, so did Doug. It was actually kind of relaxing.

We went outside and into the woods. Van took the first hit then held it out to me. "Wanna hit this angel?" I blushed and was so thankful that it was dark outside and no one could see. "Y-yeah." I took the joint with shaky hands and inhaled a deep breath of the plant.  

Blowing the smoke out I started to cough. Van cleared his throat, "we should go for a swim." I shrugged my shoulders, "sure, let me get changed."

As I walked upstairs to my room I shut the door halfway and stripped. I pulled on my bottoms and put the top on, but I couldn't get it tied. "Hey! Can somebody help me?" I yelled. A few seconds later Van was in my room. "Hey, can you tie this for me?" I asked holding the two pieces together behind my back. He bit his lip, "sure." 

The moment his hands hit my back I got cold chills. He let his hand travel down my side when he was finished. "Thank you..." I breathed out. He nodded and stepped back looking at my room. "The bed is actually better on this side," he mentioned. "Huh?" What was he talking about. "Nothing... I don't know why I said that."

I ignored his odd comment and walked downstairs with him right on my tail. Going down to the pond I jumped in off the dock. I came to the surface and couldn't see van. A second later he came up underneath me and I was on his back as he swam. "Oh my god! Put me down!" I screamed.

"Alright." He leaned back and dropped me in the water. I came up and took a deep breath. I swam over to him, but was exhausted my the time I reached him.

Van was really fast when it came to swimming. After an hour in the water we got out and went up to the house. My brother was passed out on the couch and Jace and Flip already went home. "Shh," I whispered to Van.

I showed him where to shower and went to get a shower of my own in my parents bathroom. I wrapped myself in a towel and went to my room. Turning on the lights and shutting the door, I jumped when I seen Van sitting on my bed holding a familiar object in his hand.

Everything I Want (Van/Floating/Norman Reedus One Shot)Where stories live. Discover now