The woman in red shoes

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My shoes crunched on something hard, glass maybe. It was cold and the air smelled of static, like gunpowder or a snapped wire. I winced as my wrists strained against their restraints and the rope cut into them. My skin tingled with anticipation as the blindfold prevented me from seeing.

With the information I had gathered from the rest from the rest of my scenes- the broken glass under my feet, probably from a bottle a light or maybe even a pair of glasses, the distinct smell of gunpowder in the air, and the distant sound of common pigeons flapping in rafters high above me- I had deduced that I was in a large derelict one room building used for storing weapons. Specifically Warehouse 104.

My location problem now solved, the question that now lingered in my mind was this: Why would my captor, who is most likely a highly trained operative like myself, hold me for three days, without interrogation only to take me to a warehouse full of guns? I mean, come on! it's almost as if they're asking for imminent death.

It had been exactly three minutes since I entered the building and my captor hadn't done anything yet. Annoyingly, I don't know anything about them. They haven't spoken, and they haven't touched me on my bare skin, and I haven't been able to catch their scent because they're wearing that awful masking spray that smells like a mixture of mothballs and liquorice. Even if I could, all I know is there's one of them.

Suddenly, they reach in and whip off my blindfold. I blink in the light coming through the hole in the roof above me. I feel a cold metal circle press against my scalp and hear a bullet click into place. Before they can shoot I close my eyes and spin around so that the barrel of the gun is pressed against my forehead and I am facing my captor. I open my eyes and shock jolts through me with about the same force as a rhino through a concrete wall.


"It's complicated," he says. 

It better be.


Hiya guys

I'm the author so well this the prologue not the first chapter so yeah I hope you like it :)

~ Strawberrythief x 

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