That Night Near The Brook's Side

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The fog is settling outside the windows

Moons shining hazily behind the leafless boughs

Lazy slow steps leading me to my home

The road damp and wet, the stillness presage of a storm

My eyes fell beneath the bright neon light post

A boy standing there with a face gloomy and lost

Once an apple of some one's eyes now nurtures a rotten core inside

Waiting for something unknown looking vaguely by the brook's side.

Days ago I saw him going cheerfully to the school with a bag

His smart uniform adhered him perfectly, providing a lag

But tonight the handsome fair face has gone all pale

His dejected eyes silently telling a pain struck tale.

Woe begone is both his looks and the night

The trees swaying madly hugging each other tight

The dark clouds preparing to fall down heavily

He like a marble statue gazing the stream steadily.

Night is getting chiller the sky looking darker

I lifted my face to take a look proper and closer

The heart felt the wrenching pain

It is the same story of fight between purity and stain.

I proceeded without taking a look back

Contemplating on the alluring path which has put his life at stake

Some tears did occur on my eyes

But it was nothing in front of those silent regretful cries.

STRAIGHT FROM MY HEART!!Where stories live. Discover now