Secrets 1

109 5 1

Yoseob's Pov

I stood in front of the grave. I could hear Soo Hyun's cries muffled up by the rain. Even the sky is crying. Why did she have leave so soon? After 3 years of taking care of me and loving me for me. How could she leave me like this? I placed down my blue roses for her, she have always liked blue roses. She said blue was a one of a kind roses. Just like her. She treated everyone like they were family even though they are not blood related even in the slightest bit. Soohyun's crying got louder. Soohyun was the only that was related to halmonie as in blood related. After both of soohyun's parents died, halmonie took her in and took care of her.

"H-halmonie !!!" Soohyun cried out. All of us felt like crying. We could imagine how hurt soohyun felt. Halmonie was a kind and amzing person.

"Soohyunnie.... she wouldn't want you to get sick. Come on in and let's wash up." Soohyun's boyfriend, Jongin held on to her shoulder. She shook his hand off of her and hugged halmonie's tombstone.

"Jongin, let me handle this." I hold Kai off before he could get nearer to Soohyun. Eventhough Kai hates me because I was so close to Soohyun he let me handle the situation. I approached soohyun and held her shoulders.

"Hyunnie~ I know it hard to lose someone you love. I know how you feel because halmonie was the only one that actually cared for me. Jongin is right hyun. Halmonie wouldn't like it if you got sick. Remember what she said before she died? Getting sick about someone isn't love, Being mean to someone isn't love and having power won't get you love. You have to show people love to get love."Soohyun's crying calmed down for awhie.

"She can't see me get married. She can't see her great grand kids just like my parents. Why does everyone keep leaving me?" Soohyun stuttered. I sighed, it wasn't easy having a life like soohyun. She was getting married in two more months and halmonie wouldn't even get to see it. I hugged her and slowly pat her head.

"Kang Soohyun. When someone leaves a new person will fill the void that the other person left, Just like how halmonie left, that can be filled by Jongin's family. Soon they are going to be your family. And if you ever want your old family, I will be here for you. Sometimes there will be downsides but along the way, something better will come." Soohyun finally turned around and stared at me. Her eyes was puffy and red. My heart broke at the sight.

"Oppa.. You wouldn't leave me right. You would be my safe home right?"I smiled assuringly at her. "Always." I whispered to her and kissed her forehead.

"Now go, your fiancee is waiting for you. He is dead worried about you." I said motioning her to look at the worried Jongin. She giggled a bit and walked over towards Kai. Jongin smiled and hugged her tight and was whispering something to her. She nodded her head and hugged jongin back.

"I hope that you wouldn't build a wall around us. And I do hope that you won't disappear tomorrow because you think that since halmonie is gone, no one needs you." I heard a voice beside said. I glance at the person for a while and looked back at halmonie's tombstone.

"I am not needed here anymore, junhyung." I said slowly not looking at him. "You're not needed anymore? If you weren't here we couldn't get Soohyun inside. You just as much as a family to us like Soohyun is." I scoffed and squat down.

"Soohyun is getting married junhyung. Soon, Jongin would move in to be with her or maybe they would move out together. I have no use here."

5 years later~

I wore my apron and went to the drinks station. I sighed. Looks like its going to be a busy day today.

"Hey, Seob. What are you doing down here?" Junhyung asked me. I turned to look around and saw him with his clip board.

"Hey, jun. I am working today remember?" I told him while getting the coffee ready.

"I don't know how you do it. You can work and manage this whole place. I mean is there anything you can't do." Junhyung said taking a cloth and helped me clean the wet mugs dry.

"Its the least I can do after what halmonie did for me." He nodded his head in agreement. Suddenly, the front door open dramaticly and came in my opinion an ugly women but junhyung might say otherwise.

" I am back, did you miss me?" She said as she took off her sunglasses that made every one except me swoon into her charm.

"Your late."I said rolling my eyes. Junhyung snickered and got back to work.

"Well, sorry boss. I just got back from my second honeymoon with my beloved husband." Then she wanted to say more but she quickly closed her mouth with the palm of her hand.

" Where is Jongin?" I said not bothering to look at her and got back to work. There was a sudden silence so I turn to look at her again but she wasn't there.

"Soohyun?" I called out to her but there was no response. I looked around the cafe for her but she wasnt there. Was the hell did she go ?! And where is Jongin?!

"Excuse me. I am here about the job?" I heard an unknown voice said. I couldn't see who it was since I was at the back trying to see if she went to go in from the back.

"Ouh, your early. I like it. Now, you will be working as my PA. Which means, you will be working everywhere." PA? I never knew we were hiring.And why would junhyung need a PA? His my PA!

"Junhyung hyung. The boss wants to see you later." I said to junhyung as I went back infront.

"Sure, I will be there in a minute. Doojoonshii you can start by moving those flour to the counter over there and I am sorry. I never got your name." I looked at the two people there. They were just stared at me. But one of them caught my eyes. What the hell is he doing here?!

"Annyeong. I am Yoon Doojoon and this is my best friend Lee Joon. We will be working here. Please take care of us." The charismatic one said to me. He doesnt recongize me. I cant believe that bastard Lee Joon doesnt know me. He looked at me like it was our first time seeing each other. I guess he couldnt remember since I looked so different now.

" Get those flour moving. I need to bake later before we open up shop." I replied coldly. I turned to look at the confused junhyung and pushed him into the kitchen and the other two boys followed us.

"He says you have to go now. I'll take care of them." Junhyung just stood there dumbfounded so I pushed him towards the stairs and gestured him to go up.

"Uhh.. yeah. Thanks. Dont go to hard on them." I just pushed him up the stairs and waited until he was fully up stairs.

"You guys get the flour loading and then you go put those pillows over there on the indoor swing." I told them and handed them a clip board.

"And when the other staffs come in asked them to sign this." They both look curiously on to the clipboard.

"Bonus salary? Do we get one?"I raised an eyebrow at them and shook my head. I was about to go up the stairs when they stopped me.

"What are you going to do? Just so that we could find you if we need any help."

" You wouldn't need my help. Later junhyung hyung will come down and tell you all the rules here."I told them and walked up the stairs.

"Wait! We never got your name." I stopped and was a bit shocked lee joon asked. Should I tell them my name?

"It's Charles." I said disappearing from their sight.

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