Chapter 3

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Andrew's friends weren't the kind to sit tight as their leader fought. They rose to their feet the moment they saw him heading out with the stranger. Cass was worried they'd gang up on him. It wouldn't be the first time. Natasha, on the other hand, worried her lower lip and asked her discreetly, "Should I call 911?"

Cass just shrugged at that, not knowing what to answer.

Adrian was half amused half angry at the prospect of the upcoming fight. As he walked by, he murmured to his bodyguards to stay put. With their heightened senses, they would without a doubt hear him. He needn't worry of an intervention from his sister or his mate. They knew he could handle the gangster just fine. The fact that the gang decided to tag along didn't bother him. The more, the merrier.

And if luck was on his side, maybe his mate would be amazed by his fighting technics.

Once they stepped out into the chilly air of that mid-March evening, Andrew turned to face him, sporting a smug look.

"Last time to back out, buddy," he told him.

"I'd appreciate it if you didn't call me buddy," was the only response he got.

"You won't sound so posh when I'm finished with you," the gangster threatened, raising his fists into a battle stance.

Adrian blocked the first punch and then grasped his opponent's wrist and snapped it backwards. A loud cracking noise ensued. Andrew screamed in both surprise and pain. He threw another punch with his unharmed hand; and this time Adrian dodged it, only to kick him in the abdomen, knocking the air out of his lungs and sending him flying against a nearby pole.

Andrew's defeat and groans got his crew agitated. He was the best fighter among them and he had been taught a harsh lesson, but that didn't stop them from trying to kick Adrian's ass. They received the same treatment in a swifter manner as they were 4 of them and they didn't take turns but attacked all at the same time.

To say Cass was surprised would be the understatement of the year.

Her surprise doubled when the beautiful stranger approached Andrew, held him by his short brown hair and demanded that he apologized to her.

"It's not a problem really," she argued.

"No woman should be treated the way you have been," came the British drawl.

She was too ashamed to say she was used to Andrew's manners –or lack of– and thus kept her mouth shut.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to," Andrew apologized in an attempt to have the foreigner off his hair literally. His hair was dropped the moment Adrian heard Cass's "It's okay."

"I'm sorry to have caused you trouble, Mr..." Cass apologized to the handsome stranger.

"It was no trouble at all," came the soft reply, "and please call me Adrian."

"Thank you, Adrian," Cass tested the name on her tongue, enjoying the ring of it.

Andrew's crew helped one another up, their groans mingling together. And Cass entered the restaurant without one backward glance towards her boyfriend. He and his friends deserved what they got.

She had to admit her fight with Andrew that same morning was fueling her lack of interest. He had met up with his ex and had covered it up instead of coming out and admitting he had run into her downtown and they had had coffee together.

Cass noticed later on that although the couple that was with Adrian had left, he had stayed.

"At what time do you finish?" He asked her when she brought over a cup of tea.

Her shift didn't finish until 11 pm, time at which the restaurant closed its doors. She told him so.

"I'll accompany you home," he offered kindly.

"There's no need. I'm just a three blocks away."

"Nevertheless. I insist," Adrian waved his hand in dismissal.

"Okay, thanks."


"So Mr. tall dark and handsome is walking you home, huh?" Alexia teased her best friend as they changed from their uniform into their normal clothes.

"Yeah," Cass replied on a sigh, not knowing whether that was a good idea. What if Andrew showed up at her place, what then? Would Adrian get into yet another brawl with him?

"You worry too much, Acacia. You could use some time with a gentleman like him," Alexia reprimanded softly.

Cass looked her way. Her friend only used her real name instead of her nickname when she was serious. Maybe she was right. With what happened earlier, Andrew was probably still at the hospital, getting a cast for his wrist. She needn't worry about the police coming after Adrian since her boyfriend was a gang leader and all.

"I don't know Alexia. He is way too handsome for me."

Cass was your everyday little brunette with chocolate brown eyes. She didn't hold a candle to the woman who had been with him. She wondered if he was genuinely interested in her or just a gentleman by default.

"Have you finished, girls?" Natasha's head popped into the doorway.

"Yeah," they replied in unison.

"Let's call it a day then," their manager smiled their way as they finished folding their uniforms.

"Let's go," Alexia grasped her friend's hand and dragged her into the now empty restaurant.

"He's waiting outside, how sweet of him!" She commented upon seeing him. "Don't do anything I wouldn't do," she told her friend with a friendly shove in Adrian's direction.

"I'll keep that in mind," Cass giggled as she stepped out into the cold air of the night.

She had to admit she was thankful Adrian had offered so kindly to walk her home. Andrew usually filled that role whenever she finished late. With him out of the picture, she was glad to have someone with her. Alexia had her own car so she had nothing to fear. Cass, on the other hand, had to walk.

"All finished?" He asked when he saw her.

She nodded silently, trying but failing to find her voice. A few seconds passed by before she recovered it. "My house is this way," she told him with a tilt of her head to the side after bidding her friend goodbye.

"Let's go then," was the soft response she got.

God she loved his accent! She only hoped she wouldn't make a fool of herself.


That's it for today. I hope you liked it. 

Until next time, 

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