Chapter Five

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I remember a lot of random fights, with my dad in particular, I would tell myself all the time and my parents, when I turn 18 I am gone. I would repeat that to myself when I wanted to really hurt someone, only a few more years, closer I got to 18, only a few more months. I couldn't wait to be free from rules and authority. I hated being treated like a dog on a leash.

Around this time, I would get grounded a lot so I talked to a lot of people on-line. I met this girl Dana, I talked to her quite a bit, mostly on the phone, sometimes on-line. She was a good friend, she lived in northern California. Dana always told me I need to come visit her and I was welcome to live with her if I really wanted to get away from everything. I told her I would one day, I also talked to another person from southern California, I told him the same, I would one day visit. I lived in Wisconsin, people out there seemed so chill and normal, I wanted to be a part of that.

After my eighteenth birthday I asked my dad if I could go to a friends house, he said,

"No, stay home."

I said,

"Please, I will be home in a few hours, I have gas money!"

My dad was firm on his answer, in anger he replied,

"No! F*** OFF!"

Then he hung up on me. That was just enough to push me to the edge. I was finally 18 and my parents still wanted to control me. I remember thinking, "It's my life I will do what I want from now on."

In a fit of rage, I grabbed the $90.00 from my brother's school raffle money and started packing my stuff to leave. My little brother heard my dad yell no, he seen I was packing so he took my car keys.

My brother said,

"Heather, I am not letting you leave, dad said no."

I got really angry at him for in-forcing rules that my dad gave me, I tried to walk past him and he used force to keep me home. I grabbed a baseball bat and hit my brother over the head, took my keys and left. I was finally old enough to do what I wanted and no one was going to stop me. I didn't even think of how my actions would effect anyone, not even myself, I wasn't thinking. I was just doing, without reason, because I could.

I went to my friend Jarred's house. I got to his house and we smoked together, I told him what went on with my dad and I. He said,

"So, what are you going to do? You can stay here if you want."

It crossed my mind to do the rational thing, it didn't take more than a few seconds to completely dismiss that logic and I said,

"Thank you for the offer but, I am getting out of this stupid state. I need to be myself and do what I want to do. I am going to Cali, I have friends there that told me I can crash with them."

Jarred said,

"That seems like a rash decision, maybe you should spend the night here tonight and then if you still want to leave in the morning, then go."

I didn't even take a moment for this response and I replied,

"Nothing on earth will change my mind on this. I asked my parents to come to your house Jarred, they will find me by the morning. Then I won't have a chance of getting out of this crappy place. I am leaving tonight."

I left Jarred's house and started to drive west, I called my friend Nick and asked him if he wanted to go on an adventure. He was like,

"Are you serious, your just going to Cali and not coming back?"

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