Great Depths

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The Sorrows of the Sea 

Look out at the sea,  

You feel it,  

But it is not the sea you feel is it,  

It is but your soul,  

Traped in the sarrows of the seas,  

It never is but a sea,  

Walk along the beach,  

Cry and pray to the waves,  

All you can see is but the sarrows of the sea,  

Alone I sit,  

Alone I cry,  

Alone is but the sea,  

Alone my soul alone my shadow,  

It is the sorrows of the sea,  

Cry to your self,  

Cry to the sorrows of the sea,  

I am alone,  

I am alone and only I and Me know,  

And the sorrows of the sea,  

I am but the sorrows of the sea,

Inspiration for this chapter comes from the poem The Sorrows of the Sea and the song swiming by Florence + The Machne (Who is awesome by the way :D)

Anyway, picture of the three friends over there->

Holly on the left, Nadine in the middle and Lexie on the right ^.^


Staring at her over the top of her cheese sandwich, Holly could tell that Lexie was amused.


"Oh, nothing, nothing"

Holly raised her eyebrows knowing that she would crack soon...

"Okay, how was it?"

Taking as much time as possible before having to answer the question, Holly took a sip of her milkshake. "How was what?"

Lexie rolled her eyes. "Sitting next to New Boy McHottie over there," she said, motioning her head towards where Lir, Boand, and what looked like other close relatives were sitting across the canteen.

"Slightly... unnerving."

"Well he must have been hungry because the way he looked at you looked like he wanted to eat you for lunch." Nadine added.

"Helpful Nadine."

She shrugged, indifferent. "So what actually went down?

"When have you ever said that in your life?"

"Em, never. Now stop avoiding the question!!!"

Holly sighed. "I don't even know why you're getting so excited. We argued about Romeo and Juliet, calm down guys!"

Picking up her milkshake, Holly strode from the room towards her German class.

Lexie looked a little disappointed and Nadine sniggered. "I bet you they get together within the next month and a half."



German passed quickly. Michael started to dance on the windowsill and Aaron did an interesting cover of 'Hey Micky' in opera style.

"Coming to PE Holls?" Michael asked when he caught up with her as she exited her class. Holly looked at him, he had gotten cute over the holidays. She may even have fancied him but for some reason he was just one of those guys you just didn't fancy. Strictly friends.

"Yup, just heading there now. Do you mind if we walk past the racks? I need to pick up my swimming kit."

"I thought you hated swimming?"

"I do, but Miss Angus is like a woman posessed. If a girl tried to get out of it by telling her she has got her period, she basically lobs a packet of tampons at her head."

Michael sniggered. "Well, see you later Holls, I feel so sorry for you not being in my PE class and missing the oportunity to see me in my swimming kit," he said winking at her.

She rolled her eyes. "I can live without nightmares thanks."

He laughed before raising a hand in a farewell and heading towards the boy's changing rooms.


Holly pushed open the door to the girl's swimming pool changing rooms she shivered as the intense heat hit her. She started to shake, the thought of the dark, deep water was enough to make her sweat.

She opened the Yellow cubicle and sat on the small seat, putting her bag at her feet. she listened to the passing voices but they sounded distant to her. Holly could hear Lexie and Nadine discuss her whereabouts and was about to answer them when something made her bit her lip. She had never shared just how deep her fear of water was. Her father was not something she wanted to discuss with anyone, not even her best friends.

Shaking herself, she jumped back to reality. Holly put her flaming red hair up into a pony tail and slowly put on her swimming costume. As she came out of the changing rooms, she noticed everyone had already left.

She quickly jumped into the shower, letting the heat relax her tense muscles. Before she lost her nerve, she started to walk towards the door at the end of the shower room, barely able to put one foot in front of the other. Perspiration stuck tiny whisps of hair to her face. The looming blue was a mere fifty yards ahead of her and her hands were becoming more clammy by the second.

A boy flowed with the water swifly, as if he belonged to it, his dark hair shining because of the flourescent lights above.

Miss Angus strode up to her, oblivious to Holly's discomfort. "What are you waiting for? Get in. Now!"

Holly gulped, her toes hanging over the edge of the pool, toes dipped in the water. The unfathomable depth below terrified her. The mysterious blue seemed to be prancing, taunting her. The endless transforming liquid danced, played, mocked.

A hand shoved her back and Holly sucked in air to scream. She hadn't got the air in before she hit the ice cold water. It swarmed around her, shadows whispered to her and the light was becoming less and less frequent. She kicked her legs and flapped her arms but the darkness consumed her and her chest got tighter.

The water filled her mouth but the echoes still sounded around her. She started to cough, the last of the air escaping from her lung and bubbles floated to the surface. She struggled, kicking her legs until they would hardly move any more.

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