Chapter 3: Brother/Sister

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"I'm sorry to put you to work so soon Tori, but there have reports of a ghost that I want the three of you to check out." Mephisto said.

"Where, sir?" Yukio asked.

"Egypt. That's why I thought you'd like to go, Tori. I remember you liked it there." Mephisto added to me. I smiled and nodded.

"Very much so." I agreed.

"Okay, so I get why they're going, but why am I? Not that I'm complaining." Rin added.

"Simple." Mephisto held up a finger then pointed at Rin. "You'd go along, invited or not, so I've decided whenever your brother's involved I'll just assign you to the mission. That way you don't mess up other Exorcists plans as per usual." Mephisto added. Rin just shrugged.

"If it gets me on missions." Rin replied. I shook my head.

"When do we go?" I asked eagerly. Egypt had to be one of my favorite places and I really wanted to go back.

"Right now." Mephisto tossed me a key. I promptly turned around and stuck it in the door before opening it. A blast of heat hit me and I smiled.

"This will be fun." I said. I stepped through the door and took a deep breath. "Man it's a little hotter than I expected." I thought. I quickly ran through time zones in my head and realized why: it was the middle of summer here.

Rin and Yukio followed not far behind and Yukio gave me the key. "Don't lose it, that's our way home." He warned. I just smiled and slipped it into my pocket. Someone entered the room from the door opposite and looked at us.

"Who are you?" He asked in Egyptian. Yukio and Rin just shared a look that said 'what'. I smiled.

"Hello. We are Exorcists from True Cross." I said sweetly in Egyptian. "I'm Tori, this is Rin and Yukio. Tell me, what do you know about this ghost?" I asked.

"Oh, I see. The director of True Cross sent you. I was expecting real exorcists, not a bunch of kids. You should just go back: this is to difficult for you." The man said. I frowned.

"I'm sorry, but I'm an ex-paladin, Yukio is middle first class, and though Rin is only an Ex-wire he's quite powerful. We can handle this ghost." I argued. "If we couldn't then Mephisto wouldn't have sent us." I added. If there was one thing that I hated, it was being underestimated.

"Alright." the man said hesitantly. "The ghost has been seen in a nearby pyramid. There's no one there so you can go and do your job." The man said. I nodded.

"Is there anything else you can tell us?" I asked as we started walking. I walked next to the man while the brothers followed after, both of their faces telling me they didn't have a clue what was going on.

"I'm afraid not." He said roughly.


When the man suddenly stopped I looked at him. "What's wrong?" I asked.

"I won't go any closer. It's just ahead." The man said.

"Do you have any locks or something we'll need a key for?" I asked. He handed me an old brass key.

"You may need that, but I'm not positive. Oh, I should add that the pyramid is full of traps." He added. I nodded.

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