Chapter 15-Here comes another

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Claris Jacobsen

Ethan's secret was found out not long after the incident in the hallway. It all happened in R.E when our teacher called out 'Mr Rivers'. The reason is unknown and he didn't specify which brother attention he wanted which caused them both to absent mindedly reply 'yes'. I remember the whole class going stiff with realisation and whispers broke out. Of course no one wanted to believe that maybe it was just a coincidence. I mean there are lots of people in my year that share my surname but I hear nobody shouting that we were retaliated or even paid attention to the possibility. As usual anything involving Ethan could never be simply or logical; it was always something outrageous, true or untrue.

No one knew that they were actually half-brothers as oppose to brothers, but neither Kian or Ethan made the effort to explain themselves or even confirm that they were related. This brought up alot of questions. Why hadn't Ethan ever mentioned having a brother?;Why hadn't they grown up together?; Maybe some crazy family drama?.

"I can't believe Ethan and Kian are brothers! Apart from the fact that they are both sexy-as-fuck, I see no resemblance" Addy gushed as we exited form time.

I really wasn't sure. They both had the exact same shade of brown hair and eyes but then again that's a very common aesthetic.

I sighed. "Half-brothers Addy. How many times do I have to tell you?"

"Same thing different name"

I wasn't even going to begin to explain to Addy how untrue that statement was.

"They both share the same blood and I want to know all the juicy stuff."- Addy gasped suddenly and gripped my forearm-"Maybe you could get him to talk when you guys next work on your english project"

"No way. After what happened last time--"

I broke off abruptly as I realised what I had just let slip. None of my friends knew that I've about what happened the first time I 'studied' with Ethan, or that there was even a first time. Addy's face was a mixture of suspicion and intriguing.

"What happened last time?"


"Cece" Ethan called. For once Ethan's presence saved me from having to explain myself to Addy.

"Remember get me something gritty" She hounded and slipped away just as Ethan came by my side.

I turned to him. "What?"

"I was hoping we could start all over again with the studying"

I scoffed cynically. "You can't be serious? After last time do you really expect me not to think that this is just another of your ploy's to get me alone with you?"

"Someone's feeling arrogant today" Ethan bit his bottom lip mischievously. "No its not a ploy. I genuinely wanna get some work done."

"Now you've got work ethic. What did you do with the real Ethan?" I asked dryly

"Yes? No? Your wasting time Cece"

"No" I answered. "And don't waste your time coming to my house trying to persuade me because it won't work"

-The Not-So-Quite-Love-Story Story-

It didn't shock me as much as it did piss me off when I saw Ethan on my door-step, wearing his trade-mark impish smirk.

"What part of 'don't come to my house' don't you understand?!" I exasperated.

"None of it. I figured we might as well study at your house seeing as your terrified to go anywhere with me"

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