The Boy Who Cried, "Wolf!" (Lessons on Creative Writing)

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The Boy Who Cried, "Wolf!"

Lessons on Creative Writing


I don't claim to know everything about creative writing but what I will share with you in the next few chapters are what I have learned as a writer. 

Some of the information that I will share with you are also cited from

In the real world, I used to work as a language and literature teacher, and a thesis adviser. Today, I am a senior phonebanker; and what I do is sit all day and wait for my millionaire clients to call and inquire about their bank account ^____^V

So then, because of my new work, I have more idle time during my day offs, which also allowed me to write stories to make those times productive. As of this time, however, I have no plans of releasing my other stories yet. But it will come soon. For now, I only wish to share what I know about writing.

Now, some of you may be wondering why I chose <The Boy Who Cried, "Wolf!"> as the title of this article. Well, let me give a you a background, in case you haven't heard the story of that boy yet:

There was once a village that lived in fear because of a vicious wolf that wrecked terror in their place. The people had to keep watch of the beast in order to protect their fellows. Whenever they got sight of the monster, they had to alarm the rest in hopes that they will be able to kill it.

One day, a boy who was so bored to death got this stupid idea of playing a prank with his villagemen, so while he was alone he started shouting, "wolf! wolf!"; immediately, his neighbours came to help only to find out that there was really no wolf around. He laughed his heart out because they fell for his silly joke. The following day, the boy thought that he had not had enough fun yet so, again, he started shouting, "wolf! wolf!" -- and immediately, the people came to help only to realise again that they've been pranked.

Now the people were mad at him because he was not taking their situation seriously; until finally, while the boy was gathering sticks in the woods, he encountered the wolf for real. He tried to shout for help but even though his voice was loud enough to be heard by the villagers, they did not come to rescue him this time because they knew that they were being played at again. In the end, the boy met a gruesome and tragic death as the wolf feasted on his young flesh.

Well, of course, I was overstating the story. Haha. That was not how morbid the real story went; the tale concerned a shepherd boy who repeatedly tricked nearby villagers into thinking a wolf was attacking his flock. When one actually did appear and the boy again called for help, the villagers would not come and the sheep were eaten by the wolf. (wikipedia).

This is the point: just like the boy who cried wolf, anyone can also tell a story but not everyone are believable enough for people to buy the idea. So in the following chapters, we will try to digest the elements of a story, and I hope that you apply whatever you learn here the next time you write your own masterpiece.


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