My Speech on Bullying

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All quotes are from Brainy Quotes,, and Tumblr. The credit for them goes to the person who said it. I just did the research.

Most people don't realize how big of a problem this is. Bullying is so common in our lives that we don't even realize that it's happening when it does. We believe it to be something normal, everyday thing, when it's not. Not even close. Everytime it happens, adults say "They're kids. They'll get over it." and "it builds character and makes them stronger. They can deal with it themselves." when in reality, it breaks us and rips us apart bit by bit.

Why should people give in to bullies?Why do we have to let them hurt and harass us physically and emotionally? Is it because we're different? Because we're not normal? What makes us different from the rest of them? What is normal?

According to recent studies,twenty percent of kids have been bullied. fifteen percent of students report not showing up for school out of fear of being bullied while there. Over ten percent of these kids believe the only way to get away from the harrassment is to change schools where they can start over again. But why should these kids be the ones changing when bullies roam free all over the place?

The harassment doesn't end when you step off the bus and go home. Cyberbullying is becoming common on many social networks. Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, Tumblr, and so many other sites experience this. Teens of a variety of ages hide behind a computer screen, feeling they can do whatever they want to and say what they want and no one would be able to catch them. forty two percent of teens have been cyber bullied. Eighty percent have said they have seen it happen.I've seen it and experienced it. I've felt how much it hurts not only me but my friends and family. How many of you, reading this right now, have experienced any type of bullying? And how many of you have thought, any time in your life, that you weren't good enough or thought bad things about yourself? I have felt both of those. I bet many of you have experienced sometype of cyberbullying at one point.

Telling someone that they're fat doesn't make you any skinnier. Telling someone they're stupid doesn't make you any smarter. And telling someone to die definitely doesn't make you better than them. It takes one second to say these things but a lifetime for someone to get over it. We need to start standing up to those who believe they can walk all over us and do whatever they want to us. We are human beings, just like them. No matter if your religious beliefs are different, if your skin color is different, if you're gay, bisexual, lesbian, or transgendered. If you like reading and doing school work more than going to parties and getting drunk every day. We are all different and that's what makes us unique and special in our own ways. That's what makes life exciting.

I have had a rough life myself. When I was very young, I got diagnosed with Mitochondria. It started to cause problems with my health over the years. When I was a little older, my family learned I had ADHD. I couldn't sit still for long and got distracted by just about anything. I was held back a year because of this.When I was six, I was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes. Then, in fourth grade, I lost my hearing and needed hearing aids, which I've had ever since. Then, I needed glasses. In fifth grade, doctors found that I had heart block, and needed to perform surgery to put a pacemaker in. Then, last summer, I had a surgery on my back for scoliosis. Now, I've learned that soon, I need to get a Cochlear Implant, which means another surgery. Throughout all this, I was harassed at school, labeled as contagious, or freak. I lost most of my friends because of that. I had a couple friends left, but I changed schools and when I came back, they had forgotten about me. It hurts to see people avoid you because of a health condition that's not even contagious and I don't wish that on anyone. I can't change that I'm a little sickly. It's just the way my body is. I can't change it, no matter how hard I want to and I don't understand why people can't understand that about us.

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