11~ Fields of Gold

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Hey guys, I know I'm posting this a day early. But I'm bored, so...

I'm apologizing early for the sadness in this chapter *puts up sheild* please don't kill me!

And PLEASE listen to the media when reading this chapter, it makes it 1,000,000 times sadder. Just listening to this song makes me want to cry (possibly because I'v actually seen Angel Beats😅 Which if you haven't see it GO WATCH IT RIGHT NOW IT'S SO SAD😭 THE FEELS!), but the song is pretty! And sad! And beautiful! I like the piano version better though... Oh well!

Get ready for a feel-y chapter!

Song- Ichiban no Takaramono (My Most Precious Treasure), English cover


POV- Cinder

I burst into the hospital, barley even stopping to ask where Peony's current room was. I ran, not even stopping for the elevator. I ignored the throbbing in my thigh and wrist from quickly and hastily attaching my prosthetics after I got the text from the hospital, saying that Peony was— Peony was— No, I wasn't going to think about that. It had to be a mistake, I talked to Cress last night. Her dad had recently made a breakthrough at the labs, they where about to get the cure!

I threw open the door to Peony's room, she was in the bed. Her body looked so small and fragile against the white sheets. Her chestnut hair stuck to her face from sweat, the blueish-purple splotches stuck out against her ghostly pale skin.

"Peony!" I shouted, rushing to the bed and collapsing at her side as she grabbed her right hand — ignoring it's clamminess. "It's me, Cinder, I'm here! No, Peony! The cure, it's almost done! You just have to wait a few more days, just survive a few more days! I-" I hiccuped on the last line, "Please..."

I buried my face in the sheets, my head throbbing. My eyes stung, but I held back the tears. I was so sick of crying, and I certainly wasn't going to cry in front of Peony.

Then, a small voice spoke. Almost no more than just a small breath.


I jerked my head up, my eyes where still painfully dry. "Peony! Yes, Peony?"

Tears where glistening in the corners of her eyes. "It hurts..." She breathed. "I'm being punished." Her eyes where lifeless, dead. Her head was now facing me, but I doubt she actually saw me.

"No Peony, you aren't being punished." I felt like I was choking, a pain being dropped onto my chest.

"Cinder..." A few tears dripped down her cheeks, which I suspected was all the crying she could manage. "I want mom."

"I know," My entire body was shaking. "I know, Peony." That sentence also filled me with rage. What kind of mother wouldn't visit their own child on their deathbed?

Apparently Adri.

"I can see them..." Her arm reached up, as if to grab something in the air. She clenched her fist. "I can finally see the fields of gold."

"Peony..." She shifted her gaze back to me. I took her hand again when she brought it down.

She smiled slightly, though it was so obviously broken. "Thank you for everything, Cinder."

I weakly laughed. "Why are you thanking me? If anything, it should be the other way around."

Her eyes grew sad. "You and the others where the only ones that visited me..." Even after she said those words, she still smiled.

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