18.play date part 2

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"Morning babe"

"Morning love it looks like we all fall asleep on couch we must be really tired to go to rooms"

"Yea want me to Cook breakfast"


(Zayn Went in the kitchen to make breakfast Perrie walk out the room and hug Zayn from behind)

''Hey babe you hungry''

''Yes thank you''


(Zayn her checks''

''Zayn I can't wait to have fun''

''I know ''

''I just can't wait''

''Me to Louis and Harry are coming over and so is Niall and Liam''

''Nice I feel lonely''

''You have me and the baby's''

''I'm just joking but we need to get out this room''

''Me to I need to got feed to feed the girls their bottles''

''I was about to do that''

''No let me do it''

(Zayn went to the room saw the girls awake pick one up Perrie picked out another one)

''They are so cute''

''Right don't worry Louis and Harry are bring there baby so is Niall and Liam''

''Another play date''

''Yeah why not''

''We can go swimming''

''With the baby''


''Alright do what you want I just saying''

''Your are just to funny''

(Zayn was done feeding and pat her back she burped so did her sister)

''Wow they fished half a bottle''

''Right lucky I buy more baby formula''

''Thank lord we need to bring diapers''

''I know what ti bring''

''Oh like you fought to bring they burping towel''

''I said I was sorry''

(Harry and Louis and Niall and Liam walk in room with their baby's)

''Hey guy's''

''Hey you ready for another play date''Harry said

''Yep we thinking for going swimming''Perrie said

''Thank sounds nice maybe we can go see a movie and go out to eat''Louis said

''Sounds like a plane''Liam said

''Sure let get ready''Zayn said

(Zayn and Perrie put the girls swimming suit on and put them down on the bed they got dress and put the put the girls in the carrier they all left the room went on the elevator it went down it open they got off they walk to the pool they found a sport to put their stuff down Louis took off his shirt and jumped in the pool so did Liam and so did Zayn)

''It look like they couldn't wait''Perrie

''Right Louis won't shut up about the pool''

''You shouldn't talking Liam was rushing me to get dress and feed the kids oh boy i need to rest''

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