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“Just go,” Luke screamed at me.


Go? How was I suppose to go and leave him there to die? He had to be kidding me. We are in this together. If he went down I went down with him.


I watched as Luke began killing the soldiers one by one but more would appear.


“Maddaline go now!” He demanded.


“I wont leave you” I cried attacking the men who were surrounding him. I had no experience fighting but when you put a blade in my hand I would distroy you.

Luke slams one of the soldiers against the other one and he pulls me inside the house. I stared at the door any minute now those evil men would come in and kill us both.


“Maddaline you have to go. They can’t kill us both then what our parents did for us wouldn’t mean anything” He explained. I shook my head in disagreement. No, I wouldn’t leave him. I wouldn’t survive without him. Luke takes off his black crystal clear necklace and puts it around my neck.


“You will survive I promise”


“I cant leave you. You’re the only thing I have!” I cried launching myself towards him.


“Take my necklace. Never take it off its good luck. I’ll always be there for you..” His voice cracked.

He kissed my forehead. “Do you remember the counting game?” He questioned. I nodded. We used to play that game when the soldiers came looking for children to take.


“Okay, I want you to run keep running until you reach one hundred” He commanded.

I nodded. I jumped up and begin running towards the back door.


“Maddiline” He screamed.




“I love you.” I stayed quiet. I was trying so hard to keep myself together.


“I love you too.” I spoke out. I opened the door and began running.


One. Two. Three.

Dam it Luke! Why do you always have to be the hero? You know I wont survive. You should’ve left them kill me instead.

A presence swooped in front of me and I felt as the blade made contact with my skin. I fell to my knees holding on to my stomach.

The soldier approached me. She kicked me in my chest causing me to fall back.

“So you thought you were smart enough to run through the back door?” She held the knife to my neck.


I began to terrible. I told Luke I wouldn’t survive alone! I closed my eyes and tried to remember where I left off.


Fifty-One. Fifty-Two. Fifty-Three.


“What the hell are you doing?”


I open my eyes and glance at her. “Waiting for you to kill me”


She laughed. “I’m not going to kill you quickly” The creepy smile she had on her face cased chills to go down my spine.


She passed the blade across my wound. I bite the inside of my lip and tried my best not to scream.


“Why aren’t you screaming!? I’m making that cut bigger!” She kicked me in my stomach. I cry in pain.


“You can keep cutting me but I wont scream! I wont give you that satisfaction!” I spat.


“I can kill you!” She screamed pulling my hair back. I tighten my mouth and held my breathe. I wasn’t going to scream. No, I wouldn’t let her win.


“Then kill me!”

She laughed softly. “Then where’s the fun at of that?” She questioned me.


I glared at her as I dig my hands in my pants. I could feel the piont on the tips of my fingers. Only if I could reach a little more I could kill her.


“It would save your life,” I said to her as she walked in cirlces.


“How so?”


I swung my foot towards her face. Her body falls immediately to the ground. I pick myself up. The soldier stared at me, she was afraid it was all over her face.


I wiped the blood that was on my face. “Unlike you, I do have a heart” I responded and walked away.


I glanced down at my shirt and it was nearly covered with blood. I needed to get out of this district before I bleed to death.


I sighed.


I wasn’t sure why I was still counting. Maybe it was the hope Luke was still alive.

I felt a tap on my shoudler before I could turn around and attack. They pushed the blade right through me. My body crashed to the ground. It became hard to breathe.


“You’re a stupid girl!” the solider spat slapping me across the face.

Everything began spinning. Every moment I ever experience flashed before my eyes. I didn’t cry nor did I scream for help. I just kept counting.



Okay, so this is the first chapter of our new story! Share it with your friends, or even your enemies maybe?

*I forgot to mention that this was not edited!*

Ha-ha, so we are going to have game along with every chapter and this is how it goes. There are two people writing on this account, hence the name TooWriters, see?

There is VanessaMarie and Cheerreader96.

Now what we want from you guys is to guess who wrote the chapter, the first person who correctly guesses who wrote it will get the next chapter dedicated to them, fun right?




:D <3

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2011 ⏰

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