art ①

203 9 7

november 8, 2015. 3:25pm

so this is a drawing of my 5sos ticket which I got yesterday and the story to that is pretty interesting and a bit sad.

the ticket selling was on a saturday, and me, my sister and cousin agreed to go to the mall, where the ticket selling is, on friday and sleep over there. the ticket selling was for 2 bands, 5sos and trilogy which include the vamps, before you exit and the tide. my cousin and sister arrived there at 3pm and I arrived at 5pm because I still had classes.

when I got there, people were scattered around because there wasn't a line yet which was a big problem because what if when it was time to start the line people will just rush and push each other? and there were people who fell in line for like 2 days already and they deserve to be the ones that are first in line.

luckily, there was a girl there who had a brilliant idea. she had a yellow pad paper and she was listing down people's names with numbers so when there's already a line people will just follow their number. it was an idea at first but then the official 5sosph president made the idea official.

everyone was settled, everything was calm, we had numbers on our arms. mine was 152 out of everyone, so I had a pretty good chance in getting VIP standing with soundcheck since there's still 250 tickets left and the numbers on our arms were mixed with the people who're going to the trilogy.

the line was going to get fixed on midnight because we needed to separate the line for 5sos people, the trilogy people, and the people who'll line up for both concerts.

then, the mmi bouncers came and they made us get out of the atrium, where we were all waiting, and made us go outside.

their instructions were very confusing, and they didn't follow the number idea. so the numbers on our arms were disregarded which was bullshit.

we kept shouting at them to follow the number idea because it wasn't fair for the people who waited for so long would not be the first ones in the line but the mmi bouncers told us no and that the idea wasn't official and authorized by them and that they don't follow minors like us which made everyone fucking pissed off.

the girl who made the idea bawled her eyes out and she was doing the best she can to convince the bouncers that the idea was full proof and so was the 5sosph members. but they really won't take the idea.

the line then was separated and it was first one first serve lining up and the mmi people put up big ass signs but their instructions was still not clear. people were running to the other side of the area and the mmi bouncers said that that's for the line for the trilogy meet and greet.

me, my cousin and sister ran to that part of the area because people who we knew were getting 5sos tickets suddenly ran there and when we got there, there was a sign that said 5sos VIP tickets with soundcheck and there was a really long line that almost reached to the road next to the mall.

we got stuck at almost the end of the line and we were so fucking pissed off, the people who got to the front of the line were people who just arrived at the mall and just rushed to get there first which made everyone who stayed for so long so frustrated.

everyone I saw at almost the end of the line, including myself, was crying out of frustration and stress and it was a really sad sight.

my cousin had a friend who fell in line at the VIP seated without soundcheck line for 5sos and we asked her to buy us tickets because 1 person can buy at the maximum of 4 tickets.

we camped out at our spot, because we were still hoping for a miracle to come, and I had 3 hours of sleep before it was 6 am and we transferred to the VIP seating without soundcheck lane because the entering for the ticket booths start at 7 am but the ticket selling started at 10am.

my cousin's friend had a nice spot at the line, almost at the front which was relieving. so we waited for 5 hours and it was somewhere in 11am when we got our tickets.

it was fine that we got VIP tickets but we were still annoyed by the fact that we didn't get the tickets we wanted and we could have had the chance to if the mmi followed the idea we were all following.

but what we were more pissed off was because people who sacrificed a lot, mostly, didn't get the tickets they wanted and a lot of people traveled from far away places and some people just didn't get tickets anymore.

we went home at 12pm and got home, showered, ate then slept for 5 hours. when we woke up, we checked our twitter and found out that the tickets were sold out in 4 hours.

people started tweeting #ManilaNeedsSLFLDay2 and I'm not trying to sound rude but I honestly do not think that there will be any because they would've announced it earlier and people who sacrificed the ticket they wanted to buy another ticket choice just to watch 5sos will be really pissed off.

and that is the story on how I got this one piece of paper that will let me see 4 idiots that I love with all of my heart.

p.s. I'm so exhausted :--(

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