Chapter 1: The New Threats

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"You ready Zack?" Kyle said to me. We were on a cruise ship headed for an island in the Pacific. It hasn't left the harbor yet. I nodded. I don't completely have a grasp on what that thing that came out of John was, but I have a feeling it's responsible for the Darkened. Alex said he'd work with me to stop it. In fact he's the one who planned this out. I noticed an explosion in the distance. "What the heck?" Kyle said, confused. I jumped off the boat before asking. "Wait, Zack, Zack what are you doing?" I heard Kyle behind me.

When I got to the explosion I saw who I expected, that darkened form that was possessing John. I summoned my sword, which was purple again. The darkened form didn't say anything. Instead it just disappeared. I looked around. I was just off the docks in a three-way intersection. I looked straight ahead of me to see a Darkened creature running at me. I got ready to fight.

     The creature was five times my size. When it attacked I grabbed onto it's arm and held on while it tried to shake me off. I managed to jab my sword into it. It tried to swat me off with its other hand. I jumped a little further up it's arm. I ran up it's arm until it tried to shake me off. Holding on with my sword in it's darkened skin isn't too hard. After I ran up it's entire arm I took my sword and stabbed it in it's head.

     I got a call on my phone. It was Kyle. "Nice work Zack, now get back on the boat we're heading out." He said. I hung up. I started running down the dock. I heard guns and some bullets whiz past me. I turned around to see Darkened with auto rifles. I ran as hard as I could and made a jump for the boat. Right when I thought I was out of there, I was stuck in midair. There was the Darkened form, floating right in front of me.

     Kyle started shooting at it. I raised my hand and started firing some blasts. I fired and fired until I was drained of magic. I couldn't do anything but sit there. I couldn't tell if the form was effected at all. I couldn't tell if I made it angry either. It looked like a shadow left someone and went 3D. "All out of magic are you?" It said. It sounded like a young man, but it had a sort of weird crack to its voice. The one that makes you sound insane. "This group of yours is foolish. Nothing can stop me!" It said, then laughed maniacally. I was lowered over watered. Then accelerated to a high speed really quickly into the air. "Zack! Zack!!!" I heard Kyle call. I heard a splash and my vision blacked out for a second.

     When I woke up I saw myself in the water, being picked up by the ferry. I don't know how I could see myself, or even fly for that matter, but I could. Maybe it was a new power. I followed the guys hauling my body to the infirmary. I saw them lay it down and treat any wounds found. Kyle made a sigh of relief when he found out I would live. Then they all looked at me. "What's that light?" Kyle said, confused as ever. The doctors looked at me as well. I thought maybe I was my spirit, wandering from my body. I walked into my body and woke back up in it. "Whoa!" I said, surprised.

     "What was that?" Kyle asked. "What was what?" I said, confused. "A strange light came in when we put you in the bed you're laying in. I was wondering if you knew any stories about it." Kyle said. "I think that was me." I said. "You did that?" Kyle asked. "No, I think that was my spirit. It might be a new power, to be able to control where my spirit will go and if or when it returns to my body. It may be useful." I explained. "Cool. We're headed over to that compound Alex told us about. If you're going to beat that thing you need to be stronger, also, you need to be punished for rash decision making." Kyle said. "That's the captain." I groaned.

Kyle may be a pain in the butt sometimes but he is right. My strength right now is no match for that Darkened thing. I needed to be stronger. When I'm ready, I'll fight it, and win. I can't let this Darkened war continue. I went outside for some fresh air. Who knows, maybe I'll even be able to revive Ash with light magic. A ball hit me in the head. I turned around and saw Kyle. "You know, you should be getting to bed, it's 11:00 PM." He said. "Okay, Mom!" I said. I rolled my eyes and headed down to the cabins. I picked a bed and fell asleep in it.

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