the big decision

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A: I have picked...
J&e&l : who????
A: I chose Philip because I know in my heart he is the one.
L: ok.... if that is your decision I guess I must go. I won't bother you and please don't bother me.
A: luke wait, cant we be friends?
L: no, I thought we could be but after what just happened I realized, I don't want to be just friends. I will fight to be the chosen one's guardian and I will fight for you too.
A: Luke, I'm sorry I hurt you but I must tell you that I won't back down to be Emma's guardian. Nothing will stand in my way.
(Luke walks away )
E: Andi, are you okkk???
A: i..i..i have to go.
J&e: how can we help her?

That's the end continue reading to find out what happens next!!

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