Chapter 2

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*Dedicated to @amberley_x333 cause you made my day with you're comment <3 

Outfit for this Chapter on the side <3

It's been a week since I started coming to a new school and a whole week that the famous Harry Styles as been bugging me. Niall, Louis, Liam and I have become really amazing friends, we all went out regularly. It was finally Friday and tonight me, Niall, Louis and Liam were heading off to a party at Josh's place, he had originally just invited me but I asked if Lou and everyone could tag along with me and he agreed. First we were all going to dinner together. Right now I was in English class working on a poem we had to write which was due Monday.

When I die...

When I die

when my coffin

is being taken out

you must never think

i am missing this world

don't shed any tears

don't lament or

feel sorry

i'm not falling

into a monster's abyss

when you see

my corpse is being carried

don't cry for my leaving

i'm not leaving

i'm arriving at eternal love

when you leave me

in the grave

don't say goodbye

remember a grave is

only a curtain

for the paradise behind

you'll only see me

descending into a grave

now watch me rise

how can there be an end

when the sun sets or

the moon goes down

it looks like the end

it seems like a sunset

but in reality it is a dawn

when the grave locks you up

that is when your soul is freed

have you ever seen

a seed fallen to earth

not rise with a new life

why should you doubt the rise

of a seed named human

have you ever seen

a bucket lowered into a well

coming back empty

why lament for a soul

when it can come back

like Joseph from the well

when for the last time

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