6. Under Supervision

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Billie walked inside Tré’s house behind Tré and Mike. He was freezing again, he guessed he probably had hypothermia due to sleeping in an alleyway.

“You’re going to stay here for a few days.” Tré said. Billie nodded and made some chocolate milk.

“Hypothetically, what if Billie has something to do with Saint Jimmy?” Mike asked. Tré sighed. Billie scratched his chin and put the mug of chocolate milk in the microwave.

“I’m finding that more true than being telepathic.” Billie said quietly. He took the mug out of the microwave. Mike chuckled.

“I dunno. What would dreams have to do with this killer?” Tré asked. Billie shrugged and drank his hot cocoa. Mike smirked to himself.

“When in doubt, use Google!” Mike said, he ran up to Tré’s room to grab his laptop.

“I’m more of a Bing guy myself.” Tre joked. Billie rolled his eyes and began trying tow arm his hands up on the mug.

“Alright! I’m going to figure this out!” Mike said, he set the laptop down. Billie watched Tré look over Mike’s shoulder and drum his fingers on the countertop.

“It’s probably some weird crazy shit.” Billie said. He leaned over and watched the stoned-as-hell-Mike search stuff.

“Are you maybe bipolar?” Mike asked. Billie shook his head. “Schizophrenic?” Another head shake. Mike spent a few silent moments searching... He then looked up and locked eyes with Billie.

“What?” Billie asked nervously.

“I think that-“ Mike began.

“You have to be kidding me, Mike!” Tré said cracking up. Billie groaned.

“Come on!” Billie whined.

“I think you may be possessed.” Mike said. Tré laughed. “By the spirit of a killer named Saint Jimmy.”

“I think a personality disorder would make more sense.” Tré mumbled.

“Either possessed or disorder. They’re both rather serious, so we’ll monitor you.” Mike said. Billie sighed.

“How?” Billie asked.

“You’ll stay here. We’ll just watch you, search for signs of Jimmy.” Tré answered. Billie smirked and nodded.

“Alright.” Billie agreed.

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