First day of Senior years

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Penelope's P.O.V

Here I am sitting on the steps on the school ground waiting for my friends, it's the beginning of senior year my last year here my parents and I already applied for colleges eg Yale, AADA(American Academy of Dramatic Arts), Columbia the list goes on. My best friends that I have known since kindergarten keep telling me that I'm one of the prettiest girls at Richwood but I don't Believe them everyone is pretty at Richwood, they also say that I'm one of the most adored person here also but i just think I'm as normal as everyone else. "Penny" I heard the nine voices of my friends walking towards me, let me introduce them, There is Ashley Ashfield, her mother is also a fashion designer but not at big as my mom but is very known for her clothing line, there is also Kylie Thompson, her family comes from wealth, there is Caitlyn Walters her mother is an artist while her father is a lawyer for celebrities, then there is Blair Van Woodson her mother comes from a wealthy family while her father is from Italy her family is the third richest, next is Taylor Caniff her family is famous for hotels around the globe, then there is Selena Jefferson her father is the director of Avengers and stuff she is rich but not as rich as my family and another family that I don't know. "Hey guys how was your summer vacation?" I asked they were cut off by a group of 10 boys walking up to us "Well hello ladies" Axel McArthur said walking up to us, let give you a brief summery on what Axel looks like: he has a tattoo sleeve, Dark hair that is styled in a quiff with 'what does he want now?!' I thought. "Hello Axel what do you want" I asked tilting my head to the side.

Axel's P.O.V
The guys and I were walking through the gates of Richwood, it's senior years and I'm planning on winning someone that I haven't played with all through high school Penelope Archibald, you see the guys and I are players but I'm a much bigger player. I've done it with most of the girls in school even the nine popular one well besides Penelope. "Well hello Ladies" I said walking up to them group of ten. Penelope had this look of murder on her face....

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