Chapter 6: Rowan

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206 A.B.

(3 years before the Runner's Rebellion)

My trusty feathered staff is solid in my hands, the worn wooden grip smooth and familiar. I swing the heavy weapon out at my opponent, gritting my teeth at the almighty sound of his staff colliding with mine.

He pushes me back and I counter immediately, jabbing the butt of my weapon into his gut. He utters a surprised oof and ducks, narrowly avoiding my next blow.

I have the upper hand, now. Deftly, I knock his weapon free of his hands, rapping his knuckles so that his weighted staff clatters to the ground and sends a spray of sand into the air.

I offer my adversary a smug grin as I twirl my staff above my head. He glares back at me, positively seething before he drops abruptly onto all fours and kicks his feet out at my legs. I bite back a shriek of surprise as I fall, landing heavily and choking on the dust flying up around me. Instinctively, I bring my weapon back around and only barely manage to block his next attack, knocking his arm away and connecting solidly with his shoulder.

It is over. He raises his hands in surrender, grimacing. I remain seated, placing my staff gently on the ground next to me and leaning forward over my knees as I study my scowling young protégé.

Luca's dark, wavy hair is mussed and coated with sand. Large blue and yellow bruises are already beginning to form on his ribs and shoulders, but I know that his only real hurt is his damaged pride.

"Well matched, Luca." I tell him, not bothering to keep the hint of amusement from my voice. "Though, you are certainly more skilled with a bow than a staff."

He makes some guttural reply and I grin, gently prodding him with the toe of my boot. "No hard feelings. You are improving."

"You took it easy on me." He says, rightly. "Next time, I want a fair fight."

I raise an eyebrow at him, amused. "You have only just passed your sixteenth year, do you already think you are fit to face me?"

"You were only sixteen when you were made Choice warrior."

"Fifteen." I correct him.

The Choice warrior is one of our tribe's most honoured roles. Every Waster is raised in the art of combat, but only the person who displays the right combination of ferocity and discipline becomes Chosen.

I took on the responsibilities of Choice five years ago. From the very beginning, I have dedicated myself to serving Chief Jaron, fulfilling my duties with a ruthless efficiency. Everything I know I learned from training with the former Choice and now, it is my turn to apprentice the next Chosen.

Luca is the Chief's youngest brother but possesses none of Jaron's trademark patience. To many of our old warriors, Luca would seem too unpredictable for such a sacred position, though even the most skeptical cannot deny the total fearlessness Luca displays in battle. When I proposed Luca as the next Choice my decision was met with doubt, with some people warning me that the notoriously rebellious boy would be resistant to training.

While that may cause some other instructor to worry, I never had any doubt about my wayward apprentice. Having grown up alongside Luca, Jaron and Noah, I am blessed with the knowledge that each of the brothers possess the same trigger; challenge them and they will come back at you with everything they have.

Staunch refusal to back down from a fight is the single most important trait that Luca can benefit from as he begins his journey. The Choice has to become more than just a skilled fighter; they also need to be someone who can voluntarily commit the most unforgivable act.

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