Scarred Forevermore

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To you I look calm and content,

Little do you no that i'm not,

My minds savage intent,

Hidden by a smile and a nod.

I'm finding it hard to breathe,

As I draw each ragged breath,

My mind begins to wreathe,

As I prolong my eventual death.

I can hardly sleep at night,

Mentally screaming myself hoarse,

My mind is fraught with fright,

Drowned in a feeling of remorse.

I sit in a room full of people,

But I couldn't feel more alone,

My attempt to talk so feeble,

My thoughts remain unknown.

I wish I could tell you everything,

But i'm afraid of your reaction,

The consequences the truth will bring,

As a result of my actions.

I just want to be happy again,

To be who I was before,

But I have felt so much pain,

I will be scarred forevermore.

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