Chapter Two

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"So Nathan," my mum started as she passed the plate of food around the table. "how's America?"

He took a bite of his food and covered his mouth before swallowing and responding. "It's nothing like Gloucester, but it's something." I'm honestly very surprised on how much Nathan's manners has changed. He used to talk and laugh with food in his mouth, play with his food, and throw his food. I used to be embarassed to go out and eat with him because of how bad it was. Guess he shaped up a bit in America.

"That's great. I'm guessing you missed Vanessa heaps?" she smiled in his direction and he started nodding in agreenment.

"Of course I have." he looked in my direction and I shot him a funny face which made him chuckle slightly. "Pretty weird not having my best friend around all the time, but it just makes these visits even more special." I couldn't help but blush when he said that. Nathan always had a way with words and I guess that didn't change.

"Has she told you about her and John-" she started but I quickly cut her off, feeling my words get trapped in my throat.

"About me and John Green." I said quickly and a confused expression was wiped all over his face. "I've been non stop reading him lately."

He nodded slowly and I gave my mom that look. Her eyes grew wide and she suddenly got the picture that I obviously didn't want to tell him just yet. But my dad obviously did not get the memo. Way to go dad.

"Speaking of John's!" my dad started enthusiastically and I just put my head in my hands. "Vanessa has had a little boyfriend named Johnathan for almost two months now!"

Nathan raised an eyebrow and looked over at me, secretly speaking at me. "She does, does she? I don't think she's mentioned this to me. Have you Nessa?"

"Uh no. I just wanted to wait for the right time." I gave him an apologetic look and he just gave a sign to let me know that we'd talk about it later. It's kind of funny how I can tell everything Nathan wants to say through facial signs.

The rest of dinner was mostly silent and my dad was oblivious to why.


"A boyfriend, huh?" Nathan wiggled his eyebrows as we walked into my room and he shut the door.

I climbed onto my bed and laid down face first, still mad at what my dad had done. I wanted to wait until the right time to tell him. For some reason I just kind of expected him to get upset about me having a boyfriend, but if he's upset he's really good at hiding it.

"Maybe." I talked into my sheets until I felt his hands scooping me up and laying my head back down in his lap, obviously wanting me to go on. "Ugh fine. Yes. I do have a boyfriend. His name is Johnathan and we've been dating for almost two months." I spoke really fast hoping he didn't pick up on anything I just said.

"So when do I get to meet this boyfriend of yours?" he smirked and started squeezing my nose a bunch of times.

I rolled my eyes and stuck out my bottom lip in a pout. "Come on Nath." I sighed and he knew what I was going to say. "I don't want you quizzing the shit out of him." he was about to object before I cut him off. "And don't say you would never do that because I know you will!" and that shut him up.

"Is today someone's time of the month?" he joked and I elbowed him in the gut.

I honestly was scared to introduce Nathan to Johnathan. I just feel like they won't get along very well. Johnathan is the type to get jealous over every little thing. He's a popular guy might I tell you, and I'm surprised I'm even dating a guy like him. If he met Nath he wouldn't handle it well. He most likely wouldn't shut up about him until he found out every little detail about our relationship. And then there's Nathan's personality that would get in the way. Johnathan wouldn't understand his type of humor and would most likely get offended with every little thing Nathan had to say. I just don't want them getting into some kind of man cat fight.

"No. I just didn't want to tell you." I knitted my eyebrows together and he kind of just looked at me in disbelief. Like his best friend not telling him one little thing was going to be the end of the world.

"Well that didn't hurt at all." he said in a sort of harsh tone and I sat up and criss cross, facing him.

"I'm sorry... I just had a feeling that you two wouldn't get along too well. You have two completely different personalities and they just wouldn't fit well. I want to avoid people getting hurt." he looked me in the eyes and then his face softened.

"If you give me a chance to talk with him, I promise I'll be good! I just want to talk to the guy. Make sure he doesn't hurt my best friend." he smiled down at me and I could feel my cheeks turning red.

I sighed and closed my eyes for a few seconds. "Okay Nathan. Tomorrow you can meet my boyfriend under one condition. No. Sarcasm." his face broke into a frown. "I mean it Nath."

He nodded in defeat and I pulled out my phone with him peeking over my shoulder to see what I was doing.

To Johnathan ; Hey, clear your schedule for tomorrow. I want you to meet somebody. :-) x

I sent the message and turned to look back at Nathan who had a huge smile on his face. Tomorrow is going to be so fun. Insert sarcasm.


Nathan and I were going to be meeting Johnathan at a small diner today. I was freaking out and Nath was going to be knocking on the door any minute. I checked my appearance in the mirror several more times, wiped underneath my eyes, and brushed through my hair. Soon enough, Nathan was knocking on the door and I was bounding down the stairs with my new white vans.

I opened the door to reveal a smiling Nathan holding a bouqet of flowers. "Oh Nathan! They're beautiful." I smiled and he pulled me into a hug.

"I had a feeling you would have been on edge, so I wanted to calm your nerves with your favorite flowers." that comment made me smile and hug him even tighter. Sometimes I believe that Nathan was a heap load sweeter than Johnathan.

"Thank you. It does help. Come on in! We'll head off in a second." I took the flowers from his hand and he stepped through the doorway and made his way into the living room to take a seat.

I got a vase and filled it with water, put the flowers in them, and set them on the kitchen table for everyone to see. Nathan had apparently grabbed my keys before I could which meant he was going to drive.

"You ready Ness?" he smiled and I gave him a reassuring nod. I hoped I was ready because if I wasn't, this was going to be a very long date.


a/n ; short chapter, sorry! i'll be uploading more frequently in the summer! i get out in 4 days! alright ;




all that fun stuff!

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