TO: Tibby

89 9 15

You say your not worth the tears

You say your alone

You say your not beautiful

I beg to differ

You are a very beautiful girl

You are not alone, Friends are here for you

You are worth more than you think

A special girl who says she not beautiful ,

But we all know she is.




Theres a guy who's in pain

He's alone

He's in pain

The change between the two.....

They are both in pain

I write this to show your not alone.

Your friends are here, We all are here

You are a girl who deserves happiness

You are special for the friends you have

You are cared for....

You are my friend

You don't need to be alone we are here

You are cared about

To us your our family

Your not alone....

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2013 ⏰

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TO: TibbyWhere stories live. Discover now