Falling Star

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Every time I lift my head up high,
I'm always dreaming of this beautiful moonlight sky.
Staring on how far is that star,
Thinking how far you are.

Looking for an answers,
Like the sky have some banners.
But I always end up with monsters,
Eating my bones like crackers.

I'm indeed afraid,
Always bringing a blade.
I even build a wall to stop the race,
But there's always a way to resume the maze.

I always asked "why?"
But even how beautiful is the sky,
It won't answer and it makes me cry.
I should've known better than to lie.

Wish I may, wish I might...
Even I can't have, atleast for you to have a good night...
I'll be okay,
As long as you're going to be happy.

You'll know from then,
No matter what and when.
Someday at the least we expect you'll see,
That maybe we are meant to be.

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