The Sorceress

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 Before I begin I would like to tell you that this is out of fun I believe that there is only one God so please don't believeany of this. And mostly VOTE COMMENT READ!


 In the beginning there were four gods: Love, Life, War, and Agony. One day Life and Love created a world and named it earth, one side of the world a great civilization just waiting to be discovered and on the other side of this newly built “Earth” Life built an island just for the Gods. But it felt empty so Love and War shaped two races each a man and a woman. War’s people were born fighters with fiery red hair and bright green eyes. But Love shaped hers to have a slimmer face and more of a pointed chin and pointed ears with snow white hair and gray eyes. Love created her people to be great with magical forces but something didn’t seem right War and Love had the brilliant idea of coming together and combining their people.

After some work they had come up with three races of people, The Elves, The Sorcerers, and The Humans. But only the Sorcerers had fiery hair or if they were Elves they had white hair and the Warriors were born in anyone, but the rest of the Elves or Humans had elegant brown hair, beautiful blonde hair, or sophisticated black hair. But there were half breeds were they had a hint of white or red hair.

Then humans, sorcerers, and elves lived amongst each other but humans became the dominant race and never fully accepted sorcerers or elves so sorcerers were casted outside the city and elves found a civilization in the forest. But there is a place no one will got to it is called the Out Lands, it is all made up of is thick forest no one can find their way out to see if they tried going through there they would get lost and they couldn’t navigate through it because the tree canopies blocked you from seeing anything.

Now we are here at the birth of King Alistair it was in the middle of the night when the Queen gave birth little Alistair was born with red fuzz on the top of his head the queen screamed in shock and horror that her child was a sorcerer.

Years had passed and they taught their son how to rule like a great king but every week they would shave his head to hide the truth from the public until he was thirteen and they were just about to shave his head once more and saw that he had brown hair. The King and Queen rejoiced and threw a feast. Everything was great until the Queen died and the King was on death’s door. “Son,” The King spoke in one of his last days “wh-when you were young you had red hair and me and your mother conquered it, if we could do that then I know you will do great things.”

Alistair did not expect that he thought maybe his father was joking or something else. Alistair became bitter and cold he spent most of his days wondering what to do he became corrupted and insane and he finally could not take it anymore so he started to build an army who could take care of the Sorcerers once and for all.

 But up in the heavens things we not going well at all; Agony had started to make creatures in the Out Lands and killer animals that had killed some of the other Gods people. So the Gods banished him to a cave with War guarding it.

While all this was happening; a family of three just welcomed a new baby girl sorceress named Alison Paige with bright blue eyes and beautiful curly red hair.

                            And this is Where the Story Begins!

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