Fool's Gold

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my phone lights up with harry's smiling face on it. i glanced at the clock and it reads 1am. i know what is happening even if i dont answer this phone, but i do anyways.

"harry" i listened at the silence on the other line for a moment before he speaks.

"im outside" his voice was low.

"like you dont know what to do" i heard him chuckle lowly as i stood up from my bed and head towards my window and there he is climbing into my room, he smiled at me while i was suffocated by the smell of alcohol from him.

"what did you fight about this time?" i closed the windows and head back to sit on my bed while he went straight to my drawers where a few pieces of his clothes were kept for times like this.

harry was my one and only friend for 8 years now. and he was the only one i liked. he doesn't know ofcourse because he's got a girlfriend. a beautiful girlfriend might i add, the schools queen. and everytime they fight or they break up, being the good friend that i am to him i will always be by his side. like right now.

"was it beacuse you didnt get the right shade of lipstick for her" i joked but he still wasnt speaking with his back towards me. he removed his shirt revealing his tattoos that i adore too much and went inside the bathroom with a boxers on his hand.

i dont know why harry is with misty. she's a straight up bitch. i keep telling him this and he just shrugs it off. they are together now for three years. they've been fighting for three years and i've been comforting harry every single time like right now because of their stupid fights. i cant confess to him because it might ruin everything especially this 8 years of friendship that we have just because of my shitty feelings towards him.

he emerged from the bathroom door and headed towards the bed and laid down while i did the same. were always like this. everytime this happens my heart breaks a little. why am i always there for him during his drunken sad times and im not with him during the happy times of his life.

i felt his strong arms wrap around me as he nozzled his head towards my back while my tears cant stop falling. i held his hands and pushed it lightly. i cant do this right now. cuddle with him until sunrise while my heart shatters.

i sat up on the bed and he did the same as i force my tears to stop falling.

"whats the problem" he asked

"everything" i said.

three years of pain is too much for my heart. i guess i have to end it now and take the risk of confessing even if only outcome in my mind is losing him. maybe thats better, because for years i've put his hapiness first before mine.

"tell me, im listening" he moved closer to me.

"i cant do this anymore" i looked him in the eye and his eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"you dont wanna cuddle anymore? we've been like this for years now" he asked still confused.

"not that, i cant do this anymore. this things. that you keep running towards me when you're in a fucking war with your straight up bitch of a girlfriend and then leave me hanging everytime she calls you telling you that she forgives you only to fight again. it sucks harry to be in this situation when mostly the things that i get from you is your problems and the misery you give to me! it sucks. it fucking sucks to be in the friendzone" i found myself yelling at him and a smile grew on his face and its my turn to be confused.

"you like me?" he asked like i said the most amusing thing to him.

"forget it" i averted my eyes from him

"you like me?" he repeated with the smile still on his face

"for fucks sake harry i like you yes! you were just too busy with your girlfriend and too dumb to notice!" he smiled wider this time his dimples getting more prominent.

"oh fuck! youre drunk! sleep now this is a bad idea" i pressed my palms towards my face in annoyance.

"i like you too" my eyes widened at his words

"go to sleep harry, you're drunk"

" i may be drunk but i know what im saying and i know my feelings lexie. i know the feelings i've been keeping and trying to fight for god knows how many fucking years. you think misty and i are dating but i like to tell you that were not. i sleep with her to keep my mind off of you because you're on my mind everytime! every fucking time lexie that i cant function well. i have to make up lies on what we fight about everytime i want to be close to you, so i can be with you every fucking night if possible! you think i would want my frist girlfirend to be a fucking bitch who have probably slept with the whole school?"

my tears were streaming down my face with his words. it seems to good to be true. all this time i thought he's dating misty. is this even true?

"i love you lexie, i was just afraid to lose you if i confess. im sorry if i've caused you so much pain but it was the only way i saw to be close to you every time i miss you so fucking much." he cupped my face and brushed the tears away with both of his thumb.

"i love you lexie" i felt a smile on my face while my tears fall down. this time not because of misery but because of hapiness.

"say something lexie dammit!!" he joked

"i love you too!" i choked out

"so i can kiss you now?" he joked and i nodded

i felt his soft lips againts my swollen one, it was slow and passionate. i felt my heart flutter and my stomach do the twists. is this how it feels to finally have someone you love for so long. he was my bestfriend and my lover and im willing to give up everything and feel all tha pain just to be with him, just to be by his side until the end.

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