Chapter 2

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Sebastian's P.O.V.
Okay, I did not expect the door to be so damn squeaky.

Mr. Fargo called me explaining the situation, and I was half shocked, half amused. Shocked, well, because I finally got my dream job and amused, because who the hell fires someone who was giving a bit of an attitude. I rushed to get dressed, tackling my mess of dirty blond hair, looking like brown hair. My green eyes are still coated with sleep. I hurried over to my old ass Chevy and started the engine. But of course, with my luck, it sputtered and died. I sighed and thought that I might as well make a run for it. I grabbed my things and started jogging to the building, that was six blocks away from my building. Though this being New York, it took me a damn while. Eventually I arrived and saw that no one was there. Confused, I talk to one of the few security guards on where the hell is everybody.

"Oh. They have a meeting. Mr. Fargo is sick, so temporary, his daughter will fill in for him."

"Could you tell me where the meeting is?"

"Sure mate. Just down the hall into the cafeteria."

"Thank you."

I quickly rush to the cafeteria and adjust myself. I straighten my tie, fixed my floppy hair, and try not make a scene. I slowly push the door and holy hell was that a horrible idea. The goddamn door squeaked loud as fuck, I practically jumped. Of course, every head swivel to my direction. I look up and catch myself staring into the gorgeous eyes I have ever seen( besides mine, of course); they were as blue as the Caribbean ocean. They were staring straight at me with a death glare that, I swear to you, could bury people.

"As I was saying before I got rudely interrupted by-ahem, your name and purpose in this company?"

I realized she's talking to me, I quickly try to play it cool." Oh, um... I'm Sebastian and my purpose is to replace your old assistant with yours truly." I sent her a quick wink and smiled. She returned my lovely gesture with another death glare.

"Well, thank you, erm... Sebastian. Please take a seat. Anyways, like I was saying before, I know that you people are doubting my superior, but believe me, I was raised to do this job, and if can't agree, like Violet, well, walk out right now because ready or not, at the end of the day, I will still be your boss and control the amount of money you make, so best be careful the way you treat me. Anyways, have a nice day and meeting dismissed."
She spins on her heel and walks out dramatically, leaving me and the rest of my fellow staff stunned. I quickly recover, seeing that I am her assistant and bid to her need. I file out and spot her and follow. She notices and stops abruptly.

"Could you stop following me, God, you look like a lost puppy of some sort."

Ignoring the jab, I smile sweetly," But Miss..." Crap I don't even know her last name. I sense her see my struggle and watch her smirk.

"Miss Aj Fargo," she smirks while arching an elegant brow.

"Miss Aj Fargo, I am at your command 24/7. I am here to assist you whenever you need." I bow dramatically, knowing she's secretly judging me.

"Oh really? Well then, how good are you at kissing?"

"Excuse me?" I did not sign up to be a boy toy, although that didn't stop the blushing reaching my cheeks.

"Kidding my God, you're so gullible. Anyways, book me an appointment with the company's enemy: Scott Whisman tomorrow at five. Heard he's my age and I guess I could find a way to bring him down."

Curiosity overflowing me, I ask" How would you do that?"

"With this, duh," she points at herself, and running my eyes over her makes my cheeks burn," I obliviously convinced you." She smirks and walks away, long flowing honey brown hair, pulled into a ponytail, swishing at her every step. As I watch her go, I can't help think: I'm fucked, I am absolutely fucked. I sighed and push back my bangs. I pick up a little booklet in my small office and try to find Scott's number. When I finally do an English accent talks.

"Ello. How can I help ya?"

"Um...good evening Sir. On behalf of Alex Fargo's daughter, Aj Fargo, who is now temporary running the company, would like to meet you tomorrow at five on the sharp."

"Oh really? How would I know this isn't a trap, hmm?"

"I assure you Sir, this is not a trap. She just really wants to meet you."

"Hmmm, tell you what, I accept the appointment. See you tomorrow whoever the hell you are." With that, he abruptly hangs up.


Hello! I know, I suck at being an author but ta da! An update, so please don't kill me. Chapter three is on its way so yeah. Love you guys<3

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2015 ⏰

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