Chapter 12: The new louis "notebook"

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Chapter 12: The New Louis "notebook"

Kate's POV

I can't believe it, it just breaks my heart knowing the truth about our friends but what breaks me the most is you, you blames yourself and I can't stand the fact you do. You looked so fragile and vulnerable when you told me what happened.

I know you are not the same, and I know you never will be the same, but I still love all your little things.


Little by little I learned more things about this new Louis, and every time it amazes me how different you are now, you are more mature and jokes less, you are always protecting me and that scares me a bit. You don't let anybody to look at me. NO ONE!

But the most shocking thing I learned is that you are scared, you have this nightmares all the time, screaming the same name, and sometimes you mumble something like "I'll do it for you Harry", but when I ask you at morning and you say nothing.

Other thing about this new you I learned:

The weather affects you, I know weird but it really does. If its sunny you are nicer, warmer, loving, so so joyful and it's almost like if you were the old you again, but of course almost everyday is raining.

When it's snowing you are even more distant you ignore me or just want to hold me, no words come from your mouth, you just cuddle with me until it stops snowing, you said it's because you are cold but the cold shouldn't affect you I mean we are vampires for Christ sake.

When it rains you are specially protective and tough, like the day we saw Stan, I most admit this darker version of you is really hot, but sometimes I miss your laugh and you stupid jokes, but I know I need to be patient with you.

They were your family, you were really fond of them-specially Harry- of course I loved them, but they were your family, your safe please, your home not mine. I know you want revenge you look for every little sign of Aria you can get.

Somedays are good but others no so much. One day you came home all giddily and happy grabbing a paper, it was supposed to be her new address. When we got there it was empty, no sign of live at all, which made you really frustrated.

You're getting obsessed with her,you needs to stop you just can't live like this, you just can't. But I won't stop you because I want revenge as much as you do.

But changing the subject you say this happened in summer a year ago, but what he did that year when they where know, and what was going in your life in spring? Because I left on winter: December 26 to be precise. I still need to learn a lot of things about you.

You must be wondering what is this, well my dearest Louis this is a "diary" I guess you could call it that way, of my days with this new Louis. I will give it to you when I think it's the right think I don't care about you but I do, I really do. And I always notice all this little details about you.

Like the way your eyes shine when I tell you I love you, or at night when the nightmares hunt you the way you move closer to me and bury your head on the crock of my neck, the way you look at me with so much joy jet with a scared look like if I was going to disappear.

This are just somethings I notice about you, and I'm writing this notebook-I prefer to call it that way diary sounds so girly- for you, us. So when we are older we can read it and remember our great adventures together.

Love always


____________________________________________________________ Author Note:

Hello I hope you like this new thing I'm trying every 3 chapters or something there will be a new part of the notebook Kate's writing for Louis. Now 9k+ reads!! Wow guys I can't even explain how happy I am I love you all so much.

I'm going to give a quick shout out to this new book I really love called "Love me love, love me not" by @princessceci_ she is amazing, talented, beautiful and one of the most lovely girls I've ever met, so please if you don't mind check out her book.

Oh and one more thing some people started to hate on me because I killed the boys I'm truly sorry but it's just a story and I needed that to happened if you don't like it then don't read it.

Thanks again love you all~Cat

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