A (sort of) Explanation

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I'm sorry this isn't an update exactly.

You should probably skip this, but I just wanted to put some things out there.

I've been going through a lot of crap recently and I'm constantly busy, or have had no inspiration; I started a few things I really liked, then ended up despising.

Unfortunately, I don't have time to finish any of the things at all as school is pretty much my entire existence right now.

I went on a sort of hiatus where I wasn't on wattpad at all and I planned to be active again, but honestly I can't even read right now, and I have so much other stuff irl to do I'm completely stressed out. I mean I'm not even doing well in school so I definitely need to focus on that now.

I'm sure this isn't important, or relevant, but I figured you do deserve an explanation.

Thanks to anyone who plans to stick around for the rest of this, and I'm sure something like this will happen again in that amount of time, but I think this will be finished eventually, I don't plan on abandoning it yet; the fun is just getting started.

I was thinking maybe I could do something smaller in that amount of time, idk, if you have suggestions.

So I guess just keep on living, and later Gaytors

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