When I howl, they all come running -9-

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Hey, Lifeasme18…. Have a snail! Hahaa lol

oo      .----.

   \ \ (_____)_


When I howl, they all come running -9-

Wow.... So, I reached the 1000 vote mark, and I'm almost at the 200 fans mark.... THANK YOU ALL SO SO SO MUCH!!!!!!!! I love you all, and I'm amazed that you guys even like my writing! Thanks so much!

BTW sorry it’s so late! I’ll try and make it long to make up for the lateness :/

Chapter nine

"Time for Humanities," Arya sighed angrily from next to me. Ah, humanities, the one subject I've never done before.

"What's so bad about it?" I asked warily. What if the teacher fives us loads of homework, or the teacher herself is mean? Oh, what if there were pe-

"Nothing's wrong with the subject, per se," she responded dryly, "it's the people in it that I don't like."

What, she doesn't like talking about people from the past? When she saw my confused expression, she continued. "The class is basically put in halves. Majority of the class are boys, and they are kind of on teams. I don't know why, but they have a huge grudge on each other, which sometimes gets violent," she said quietly.

"What about the girls? Which sides are they on?" I asked curiously. If all the girls were on one side, them peer pressure would probably get me, and I'd be siding with them.

"Well, we usually sit as close to the front as possible, and try to ignore the death threats and stuff that they shout at each other," she laughed humorlessly, "It's like we don't exist,"

I nodded. "These teams, do I know anyone from them?" I asked curiously. She nodded, and my eyes flew wide. "Oh my gosh, Logan's on a team!"

"No, no, he isn't," she laughed, an amused smile on her face. "But those other guys you were talking to are,"

Wait, the pack's on a team? But that would give them an unfair advantage, being all 'superhuman' and all that.

"Who's on the other side?" I asked quietly, numb shock still echoing into my voice.

“Umm… I don’t think you know them – being knew and all,” she said, “But, even though they’ve been at the school since last year, no one knows anything about them except their names,”

“Their?” I asked curiously. Who are they; another pack? No, that can’t be right. I was ignorant to think that there were no packs in the area; surely there can’t be two…

“Yeah, four of them moved here with a bunch of other families. Close family or something,” she said quietly as we arrived outside the classroom door.

“So, they just isolate them selves from everybody?” I raised an eyebrow in disbelief.

“Well, not quite,” she looked her lips from nerves, “The guys you hang with threaten them by saying they’ll expose their ‘disgusting secret’, and vise versa,”

"Weird," I muttered, just as the warning bell sounded. We opened the door, revealing a messily coordinated room. But, that's not what I was focusing on.

The desks were lined perfectly at the front, but then separated into to sides at the back. There were six chairs at one side (presumably for the pack) and four on the other. All of them were covered in graffiti, and had various dings in them as though they'd been cut with knives.

When I howl, they all come running (On-Hold - sorry!)Where stories live. Discover now