Chapter 1

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I do not own Teen Wolf in any way shape or form!!!! I decided to re write my entire story from before even though I had only written 10 or so chapters.

Alessa had always wanted to move away from Britain. Not because she was bullied or even because of how lonely the little country is. But because of the memories that the minuscule country holds. Every single miserable memory.

Every bad event to occur in her life happened in that country - that is why relief washed over Alessa when her adoptive mother announced their move.

Tyler wasn't as pleased, mind. Being the girl's twin and having to start a new school with her and without his jock reputation was complete and total social suicide. He'd have to be around her embarrassing self for way longer than his reputation needed.

Everyone always preferred him out of the siblings but only because he was more athletic, smarter, better looking and was more popular - emphasis on the was.

Lia had always wanted to escape the country and mainly their town. She was their father's friend in school and his death really hit her hard, although she wasn't the one to find his dying form.

Let's just say that the new move is going to be eventful for all of the three Edmund's. Especially with all their secrets and hidden past.

"Alessa get up honey it's your first day!" Her mum whispers sweetly while attempting not to stir the girl's twin who is sleeping in the room next to her daughter's.

Alessa groaned, turning over to face the other way before flipping the lovely woman off.

Before her adoptive mum gets a chance to walk out of the newly tidied bedroom, Alessa stops her from exiting. "Mum can I tell you something?"

Lia stops in her tracks. That could mean absolutely anything! Like receiving the 'we need to talk' text while being in a relationship. Or when you were younger and got 20 missed calls from your mum in a row.

The two are the polar opposites from each other. Lia, her adoptive mum, is calm, sweet, kind and innocent. While Alessa is hot headed, stubborn and constantly finds herself in trouble. That's why they love her though!

"Anything. You know that!" Her mum replies as she normally does with her kind nature and calm temper.

She has noticed how the only time Alessa actually wants to say something serious the right corner of her mouth twitches upwards, almost dancing.

Alessa doesn't view her mum as her parent, even though she technically isn't. She has been more like her best friend ever since her and Tyler lost their real parents when they were kids.

Their family moved from the UK a while back but Alessa and her brother Tyler are only just starting school after the summer holiday because it was just easier. If they would've started when they first moved there would've only been one term to attend, so there was really no point.

"I'm really happy we moved here." She exclaims to her brown haired mother, receiving a sigh of relief.

Of course she is pleased. Why would she want to stay in the country with memories of their real family constantly lingering?

"So am I." Her mum replies with a soothing tone. "Now get your ass ready for school!"

"Going." She groans before failing to fulfil that command.

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